Posts Categorized: Knee Injuries and Knee Surgery

Common Injuries in the Winter Olympics

What are the most common injuries experienced by Olympic Athletes? Learn here

As the 2022 Winter Olympic Games skate towards its finish, there’s a lot of anticipation around which country will take home the most medals. Right now, Norway and Germany are in the lead with 13 and 10 gold medals, respectively, while the United States trails with a formidable 8.  While there’s plenty of good reason… Read more »

An Overview of Knee Bursitis: What It Is, What Causes It and How To Treat It

Knee pain? It could be inflamed bursae of the knee

Knee bursitis happens when a bursa in your knee joint becomes inflamed. A bursa is a small slippery sac filled with fluid which helps to cut down on the friction that exists at your joints between your bones, muscles, and tendons. You have many bursae throughout your body, including 11 in your knee.  Many different… Read more »

7 Uses For PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Injections

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) injections are one of my favorite treatment modalities, and for good reason. This revolutionary therapy can be used to accelerate and promote healing, reduce pain, and limit inflammation in a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. As a form of “regenerative medicine”, PRP actually employs a small concentration of a patient’s own platelets to… Read more »

Preventing Cross Country Running Injuries

Student athletes running in a race are commonly injured

One of the most popular after-school sports in the fall is competitive, long-distance running, known as cross country. Cross country is highly accessible and draws interest from students of all ages and ability levels.  Despite the fact that many running-related injuries are very preventable, the rate of injury remains quite high for cross country runners…. Read more »

5 Most Common Knee Injuries

Millions of Americans suffer from knee pain and knee injuries each year, and it’s no wonder why. The knee is our largest joint, placed between the two longest bones in the body. As it bends, your entire body weight is transferred onto it. Whether you’re standing still or running a marathon, there’s a constant pressure… Read more »

Jumper’s Knee

Jumper’s Knee Jumper’s knee, or patellar tendonitis, is a knee pain caused by tiny tears in the patellar tendon. This tendon connects the knee cap to the lower leg and is often strained by jumping activities, sports, or even going up-and-down stairs. Keep reading to learn about diagnosis and treatment for this common overuse injury…. Read more »

Avoid Knee Replacement Surgery

If you have significant knee arthritis, you may be considering a knee replacement. Knee arthritis causes inflammation and pain in the knee that can become debilitating. Essentially, osteoarthritis is the break down of the cartilage in the knee joint. The knee normally has a smooth surface, but with arthritis the surface becomes jagged and rough…. Read more »

Injection Options for Knee Osteoarthritis

  Injection Options for Knee Osteoarthritis Different injections therapy used to treat knee arthritis range from cortisone, hyaluronic acid to PRP (platelet rich plasma ) . The injections do not replace the damaged cartilage in the knee. However , the injections work well to control the symptoms of knee arthritis. Therefore, they reduce swelling, decrease… Read more »

What is Knee Arthritis ?

What is Knee Arthritis? What is knee arthritis? Knee arthritis is when the cartilage in the knee breaks down. The articular cartilage in the knee protects the joint. Therefore in an arthritic knee, the cartilage slowly or in some cases quickly, detaches from the underling bones that make up the knee joint. Above all ,… Read more »