Posts Tagged: Dr. Stacie Grossfeld

Patient Education: Meniscal Tear Surgery/Knee Scope/Knee Arthroscopy

An overview of meniscal tear surgery from Dr. Grossfeld.

Meniscal Tear Surgery/Knee Scope/Knee Arthroscopy Overview Orthopaedic Specialists 502-212-2663 Stacie Grossfeld, M.D. / Bess Fley, PA-C Arrival to the Surgicenter Center You will be checked into the surgery center. Your vital signs, such as blood pressure and temperature, will be checked. A clean hospital gown will be provided. All jewelry, dentures, contact lenses, and nail… Read more »

February is All About Heart

What are the best exercises for heart health? Cardiovascular health in Louisville, KY.

The month of February seems to be overflowing with symbols of love and devotion: shaped into candy, stamped onto cards, sewn into pillows and stuffed animals – the heart is everywhere! Valentine’s Day is only one event that happens to fall in the short month, though; February is American Heart Month, too. So, while you… Read more »

A Vision for the Future: Lynn Family Vision Training

Louisville, KY Sports training and vision training. Better reflexes, better vision, faster and quicker decision making

If you’re an avid soccer fan here in Louisville, perhaps the name ‘Lynn Family’ rings a bell; it is, after all, the name of the stadium that’s home to Racing Louisville FC and Louisville City FC. With naming rights having been purchased with a donation to its construction, the Lynn family name is known far… Read more »

Educación del paciente: Manipulación Cerrada Del Hombro

Una Visión General de la Manipulación Cerrada del Hombro Especialistas Ortopédicos 502-212-2663 Stacie Grossfeld, M.D. / Bess Fley, PA-C Una manipulación cerrada del hombro es un procedimiento ambulatorio rápido. Se tarda unos 90 segundos en realizarse. Anestesia A su llegada al centro quirúrgico, se reunirá con el médico de anestesia y obtendrá un bloqueo nervioso…. Read more »

Patient Education: Closed Manipulation of the Shoulder

An Overview of Closed Manipulation of the Shoulder Orthopaedic Specialists 502-212-2663 Stacie Grossfeld, M.D. / Bess Fley, PA-C A closed manipulation of the shoulder is a quick outpatient procedure. It takes about 90 seconds to perform. Anesthesia Upon arrival to the surgicenter you will meet with the anesthesia doctor and get a nerve block. The… Read more »

A Study on Concussions: Symptoms and Severity

What are the symptoms of a concussion

When it comes to concussions, oftentimes people are tricked into thinking that the symptoms and signs they experience are only temporary, since some of the more common ones aren’t necessarily considered severe. But this isn’t always true, and we’ll hear first-hand from Harriet Owen how brushing symptoms off, even after the smallest of head injuries,… Read more »

A Study on Concussions: Meet Harriet Owen, Professional Cyclist

Getting a concussion is a serious injury, especially if it goes undiagnosed or untreated. Head trauma, no matter how small, should always be tested for possible concussions, because as we'll read, they can have big consequences if left alone.

You get rear-ended on your way home from work, a stray foul ball hits you when your attention is elsewhere at your child’s baseball game, you trip over a root on a hike and don’t have time to catch yourself before your head hits the ground – head injuries are more common than you might… Read more »

Winter Paddle Boarding

Winter paddle boarding what to wear and how to do it

Now that we’ve crept into the colder months, all those fun summer activities we listed seem to have run their course and passed their prime time. But that’s not true at all! In fact, the activities such as trail walking, running, and hiking and indoor fitness classes are just as applicable in the winter as… Read more »