Posts Tagged: youth sports injuries

Will My Child Develop Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy or CTE?

Parents Express Concern over Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Many parents are increasingly concerned about chronic traumatic encephalopathy. In order to provide insight into this issue, Shawn Love B.S. and Dr. Gary Solomon at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, wrote an informative article: “Pain Physicians’ Corner” published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine in May 2014. If you… Read more »

Youth Sports Injuries and Sports Specialized Intensive Training

Nowadays many kids are focusing in on becoming very good in one sport. This often involves investing a considerable amount of time, effort and interest in this one sport. Additionally, many parents and teachers encourage a child to focus on one sport in order to develop a higher proficiency. Yet sports specialization comes with physical complications for some young athletes including a higher… Read more »

Pediatric Sports Injuries: An Epidemic

As a sports medicine specialist and an orthopedic surgeon that treats youth sports injuries we are faced with two serious problems. They tend to be on opposite sides of the spectrum:  The rise of childhood obesity and the parallel rise in pediatric sports injuries. I would like to quote Dr. Lyle Micheli who is one… Read more »

Youth Sports Injuries: An Examination of Overuse Injuries and Trauma

As published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, E. Jesperson and colleagues (2013) conducted a cohort study to understand youth sports injuries. Researchers specifically looked at the incidence of traumatic and overuse injuries in kids ages 6 to 12 years. The research on youth sports injuries was conducted over a 2… Read more »