Monthly Archives: November 2023

6 Reasons Your Knee Hurts When You Sit Cross-Legged

Dr. Stacie Grossfeld of Louisville, KY tells 6 reasons that you might have pain when sitting cross-legged.

It’s no secret that knees are an incredibly vital, yet vulnerable joint in our bodies. From supporting our weight to the ability to walk, having healthy, mobile knees is crucial to activity and our comfort when we move our bodies into different positions on different surfaces. When we were children, perhaps it was easy to… Read more »

5 Reasons Walking is Good for Knee Joints

Dr. Stacie Grossfeld of Orthopaedic Specialists in Louisville, KY explains 5 reasons that walking is good for knee joints.

For many of us that lead busy lives, there never seems to be much time to commit to the proper amount of exercise recommended, which is 30-60 minutes per day for adults. Between managing a family, having a full-time job, cooking healthy meals, and taking care of our home and other responsibilities, getting a gym… Read more »