Posts Categorized: Hip Pain

Hip Bursitis Treatment in Louisville, KY

Hip Bursitis Treatment Louisville KY

Hip Bursitis Hip bursitis is inflammation of the bursa, a small, fluid-filled sac that reduces friction between tissues. The iliotibial band is a common cause for hip bursitis, causing irritation and inflammation as it crosses the greater trochanteric region of the hip bone. The main symptom is pain on the outside of your hip, which… Read more »

Four Layers of The Hip & How They Factor Into Athletic Injuries

A recent article from the April edition of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons focused on how hip injuries can lead to long-term negative effects within the athletic community. To thoroughly explain how these injuries occur, the authors Dean Lynch, Aseesh Bedi, and Christopher Larson discuss the hip joint according to four separate layers. The Osseous… Read more »

Platelet Rich Plasma Injections Now Offered by Louisville Orthopedic Surgeon Stacie Grossfeld MD

(PRLEAP.COM) LOUISVILLE, KY- (October 26, 2016) – Louisville sports medicine physician Dr. Stacie Grossfeld is offering Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections at her office in Louisville, Kentucky, in order to introduce patients to a new and innovative form of pain relief. Over the past several years, a number of research studies have validated the benefits… Read more »

Hip Pain During Pregnancy

Causes of Hip Pain During Pregnancy If you’re experiencing hip pain during pregnancy, this is often completely normal. Hip pain is especially common during the third trimester. This is because your body is preparing for labor. During this time, your body release hormones that allow your connective tissues to relax, soften and expand. This allows the… Read more »

Louisville Doctors Present at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine 2016 Conference

As the residents from the University of Louisville rotate through Dr. Grossfeld’s office they get to observe routine and sometimes very unique orthopedic cases. Over the years, some of the medical residents have used  these interesting and unusual cases to present at different medical conferences around the country. This year Dr. Brittney Richardson and Dr. Jennifer… Read more »

Common Complications after Total Hip Replacement that Lead to Patient Dissatisfaction 

Total hip replacement is an increasingly popular operation that can significantly improve the quality of the lives of the patients that undergo the procedure. A total hip replacement can significantly reduce pain, improve range of motion of the joint and lead to a more active life. On the other hand there are sometimes complications after total hip… Read more »

Lower Back Pain

Does Your Lower Back Hurt? Learn Common Causes of Lower Back Pain and Lower Extremity Radiculopathy Lower back pain can be caused by many different conditions including a herniated disc or sciatica. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recently published an excellent article on the common causes of lower back pain. This included… Read more »

Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)

Is Prophylactic Surgery for Femoroacetabular Impingement Indicated? A Systematic Review. One of the hottest topics right now orthopedic surgery is femoroacetabular impingement. Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a term used to describe a medical condition where a person’s hip bones are not shaped normally. This causes the hip bones to fit together irregularly so that the… Read more »

Hip Survey

Are you a cyclist who has experienced a hip injury while biking? If yes, please consider participating in a survey Dr. Grossfeld is doing to better understand hip injuries for cyclists. For more info, see: Hip Injury Survey. Thank you for your participation!