Monthly Archives: October 2020

Broken Bone Versus Fracture: What is the Difference?

Broken Bone Versus Fracture A broken bone versus a fracture: what is the difference?–conditions/fractures-broken-bones/ They both mean the same thing. You will probably hear doctors or health care providers use the word fracture more often than broken bone. For instance, different types of fractures or broken bones occur based on the degree of injury. Stress… Read more »

Injection Options for Knee Osteoarthritis

  Injection Options for Knee Osteoarthritis Different injections therapy used to treat knee arthritis range from cortisone, hyaluronic acid to PRP (platelet rich plasma ) . The injections do not replace the damaged cartilage in the knee. However , the injections work well to control the symptoms of knee arthritis. Therefore, they reduce swelling, decrease… Read more »

The Importance of Staying Active During the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has left many of us feeling isolated, stressed, and anxious. The negative impacts of this isolation can be significant in relation to all aspects of health and wellness. Fortunately, by structuring some physical activity into your day, you can improve your health outlook significantly. Here are a few ways staying active during… Read more »

What is Knee Arthritis ?

What is Knee Arthritis? What is knee arthritis? Knee arthritis is when the cartilage in the knee breaks down. The articular cartilage in the knee protects the joint. Therefore in an arthritic knee, the cartilage slowly or in some cases quickly, detaches from the underling bones that make up the knee joint. Above all ,… Read more »

Returning to Exercise After Having Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic continues to evolve, as does our understanding of what the virus does to our bodies. There is emerging research that points to potential harm if you exercise while infected or too soon after being infected. Let’s take a look at the research. Difficulty returning to activity after having coronavirus One area we… Read more »

ACL Treated with Hamstring Graft

An ACL Tear Treated with a Hamstring Graft ACL tear needs to be reconstructed in most patients . People that are active in twisting and turning activities need an ACL–conditions/anterior-cruciate-ligament-acl-injuriesWe cannot suture the torn ACL back together. Therefore, the ACL must be reconstructed. I recommend the hamstring graft.  ACL tears reconstructed  with a hamstring… Read more »

Patient of the Month Sherry Hughes

Sherry Hughes

Meet this month’s patient in the spotlight Sherry Hughes! Originally from Louisville, Sherry has been married for almost 49 years and has two grown and married daughters Ellen and Jane. In her spare time, she enjoys having the opportunity to care for her 4 grandchildren – 3 girls and 1 boy. “I love my role… Read more »