Posts Categorized: Sports Injury and Children / Teens

Bess Fley, PA-C, June 2023 Newsletter: Little League Shoulder

Sports Medicine in Louisville, KY, Orthopaedic Specialists, Bess Fley PA-C, Dr. Stacie Grossfeld Supervising Doctor for Little League Shoulder

From the Desk of Bess Fley: Little League Shoulder Spending the day at the ballpark might be a dream come true for all the aspiring ‘Babe Ruth’s and ‘Jackie Robinson’s, and for all their enthusiasm and energy, it might seem like a win-win situation to let them practice and play all day and come home… Read more »

A Vision for the Future: Lynn Family Vision Training

Louisville, KY Sports training and vision training. Better reflexes, better vision, faster and quicker decision making

If you’re an avid soccer fan here in Louisville, perhaps the name ‘Lynn Family’ rings a bell; it is, after all, the name of the stadium that’s home to Racing Louisville FC and Louisville City FC. With naming rights having been purchased with a donation to its construction, the Lynn family name is known far… Read more »

Preventing Cross Country Running Injuries

Student athletes running in a race are commonly injured

One of the most popular after-school sports in the fall is competitive, long-distance running, known as cross country. Cross country is highly accessible and draws interest from students of all ages and ability levels.  Despite the fact that many running-related injuries are very preventable, the rate of injury remains quite high for cross country runners…. Read more »

Common Elbow Injuries In Young Athletes

A young baseball player, suffering from Little Leaguer's Elbow

While the socialization and fitness found through joining a sports team provides innumerable benefits for children and young adults, most activities come with a heightened risk of accidental injury. Elbow injuries are particularly common in kids and young adults who play sports, whether from day-to-day overuse or an acute incident, like falling. Because children often… Read more »

ACL Treated with Hamstring Graft

An ACL Tear Treated with a Hamstring Graft ACL tear needs to be reconstructed in most patients . People that are active in twisting and turning activities need an ACL–conditions/anterior-cruciate-ligament-acl-injuriesWe cannot suture the torn ACL back together. Therefore, the ACL must be reconstructed. I recommend the hamstring graft.  ACL tears reconstructed  with a hamstring… Read more »

Injury Heat Versus Ice? What is the Best One to Use?

What is the Best Way to Treat an Injury or Joint Pain: Heat Versus Ice? What is the best way to treat and injury or joint pain: heat versus ice? Ice versus heat is a common question I get asked as an orthopaedic surgeon on a a regular basis injuries that produce swelling are best… Read more »

Common Sports Injuries For Kids: Learn More from Louisville Children’s Orthopedic Surgeon Stacie Grossfeld

  It’s important as parents, coaches and mentors that we encourage kids to live an active healthy life. This naturally includes participation in sports. However, all physical activities come with the risk of injury, especially as kids are prone to tumbles, scrapes, bumps and bruises. Being prepared for potential sports injuries is critical in that… Read more »

Top 10 Things You Should Know About Shoulder Dislocation Injuries

Shoulder dislocation injuries can be painful and debilitating if one does not seek proper medical attention following the injury. For most, this injury occurs due to a traumatic event or during a sports game. In sports like football, hockey and basketball, shoulder dislocations are more prevalent due to the level of contact involved. While this injury… Read more »

What is the Risk of Tearing Your ACL on Synthetic Surfaces?

The risk of tearing your ACL on synthetic surfaces has become a hot debate among physicians, coaches, and players. With the level of competition improving and more year-round programs developing, synthetic surfaces are becoming the arena for many sports. In an American Journal of Sports Medicine article, published in July, 2015, Dr. George Balazs and his team looked at… Read more »

When is it too Early for Youth Sport Specialization?

Dr. Brian Feeley considers sports specialization to be intensive, year-round training in a single sport with the exclusion to other sports. There was a concern that early single sport specialization may lead to increased rates of overuse injury and psychological burnouts. Dr. Brian Feeley, Julie Angel, AT-C and Dr. Rob LaPrade have come together to publish an article… Read more »