Monthly Archives: November 2019

Repairing a Torn Meniscus: What to Expect

repairing a torn meniscus

A meniscus tear is one of the most common cartilage-related injuries of the knee, which causes a lot of pain and can hamper your ability to move considerably. The meniscus is a strip of cartilage that supports and stabilizes knee joints. It forms a soft barrier between the bones of the joint to reduce wear… Read more »

Common Causes of Back Pain

causes of back pain

Back injuries are painful and can definitely impact your quality of life. There are several ways to injure your back. You can have a herniated disc, a compressed nerve, strained muscle, sprained ligaments, fractured vertebrae, etc. All of these injuries require medical treatment and extensive therapy. Many people aren’t able to regain their full range… Read more »

Patient of the Month: Dasha Grankina

dasha grankina

Meet November’s patient of the month Dasha Grankina! Dasha Grankina is a registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance, a registered yoga school. Dasha started her yoga journey in Russia in 2008. She was recovering from trauma experienced during her time practicing ballet and from a complicated pregnancy. (Her twins are now teenagers and doing fine!)… Read more »