Posts Tagged: injury prevention

Pickled on the Court: Pickleball Injury Treatment

Pickleball Injuries and the importance of Physical Therapy before an injury

Across the decades, different sports have come to be all the rage amongst particular age groups – perhaps you remember playing four-square and kickball in grade school, participating in the rage of football or basketball season in college, watched as the Spikeball national tournament earned a spot on one of ESPN’s networks. Sports have a… Read more »

The 3 Stages of Frozen Shoulder

What are the 3 stages of frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis?

As a particularly important joint of the body, the shoulder seems to be prone to more than its share of a myriad of different aches, pains, injuries, and conditions. But, considering how much we use it in everyday life, these infirmaries are only made that much more noticeable when we can’t easily go about our… Read more »

Injury Prevention for Older Athletes

How to Prevent Injuries as you Age

No one likes coming to terms with getting older. It happens across the board, whether fitness is a regular part of your schedule or not, regardless of whether you are an artist, a coach, an engineer, or a pro-badminton player. What does matter, however, is how sports injuries are addressed, treated, and most importantly, prevented…. Read more »

Plantar Fasciitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Heel Pain? It's Probably Plantar Fasciitis.

Did you know that 10% of the population will experience plantar fasciitis at some point in their lifetime? As one of the most common foot injuries and the leading cause of heel pain, plantar fasciitis ((PLAN-tur fas-e-I-tis) is especially prevalent in runners and athletes, 40-60 year-old adults, obese adults, those who wear low-support shoes (like… Read more »

Common Elbow Injuries In Young Athletes

A young baseball player, suffering from Little Leaguer's Elbow

While the socialization and fitness found through joining a sports team provides innumerable benefits for children and young adults, most activities come with a heightened risk of accidental injury. Elbow injuries are particularly common in kids and young adults who play sports, whether from day-to-day overuse or an acute incident, like falling. Because children often… Read more »

Common Pickleball Injuries and Prevention

Common pickleball injuries

For years, pickleball has been the fastest growing recreational sport in the United States. It’s especially popular among elderly Americans, who enjoy it for socialization and low-impact exercise. Though very similar to other racquet sports like tennis and badminton, pickleball does vary in court size, net height, serve style, and other minor specifics. While pickleball… Read more »

5 Most Common Knee Injuries

Millions of Americans suffer from knee pain and knee injuries each year, and it’s no wonder why. The knee is our largest joint, placed between the two longest bones in the body. As it bends, your entire body weight is transferred onto it. Whether you’re standing still or running a marathon, there’s a constant pressure… Read more »

What’s the Difference Between a Rheumatologist and an Orthopedic Physician?

When it comes to seeking diagnosis for chronic pain or an activity-related injury, it’s important to choose the type of medical specialist that’s right for you. Consulting with your primary care physician is the first step. They can provide a diagnosis through x-rays and tests, and, based on your condition, a recommendation for a relevant… Read more »

Jumper’s Knee

Jumper’s Knee Jumper’s knee, or patellar tendonitis, is a knee pain caused by tiny tears in the patellar tendon. This tendon connects the knee cap to the lower leg and is often strained by jumping activities, sports, or even going up-and-down stairs. Keep reading to learn about diagnosis and treatment for this common overuse injury…. Read more »