Posts Tagged: joint pain

Gout and Pseudogout

Gout and Pseudogout treatment in Louisville KY

Gout and pseudogout are two conditions that have a lot of similarities. But how are they different? Are they different? Despite sounding alike and having similar symptoms, the two are different! There are a few key differences between them that can be difficult to pick out. In fact, it would take a microscope to know… Read more »

An Overview of Osteonecrosis/Avascular Necrosis Treatment and Causes

Osteonecrosis, avascular necrosis treatment in Louisville KY

Avascular necrosis, also known as osteonecrosis, is the death of bone tissue caused by a lack of blood supply. Avascular necrosis can cause tiny breaks in the bone, which can eventually lead the bone to fully collapse if the issue is not properly treated. While osteonecrosis can affect individuals of any age or gender, it… Read more »

How A Tick Bite Can Lead to Lyme Disease & Arthritis

lyme arthritis

Tick season is upon us. Known to thrive in the warmer climate, ticks can be a danger to us as well as our pets. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “State and local health departments have reported a record number of cases of tick borne disease.” Lyme disease (a bacterial infection commonly… Read more »

How Body Weight Affects Your Knee Pain

Knee pain can occur in anyone for a number of reasons. It is a vulnerable joint because of the many ligaments and tendons that work together to allow for full mobility. While anyone may be at risk for knee pain, it is much more likely to occur in people who are overweight. When you are… Read more »

Hip Pain During Pregnancy

Causes of Hip Pain During Pregnancy If you’re experiencing hip pain during pregnancy, this is often completely normal. Hip pain is especially common during the third trimester. This is because your body is preparing for labor. During this time, your body release hormones that allow your connective tissues to relax, soften and expand. This allows the… Read more »

Symptoms of the Zika Virus: An Overview

For many people living in tropical regions in Central and South America, the Zika virus has been a concern since the 1950s. Recently, the Zika virus has spread at an alarming rate. And now the virus has traveled to North America with 14 known cases in Miami, Florida in August 2016. This virus is extremely… Read more »

The Zika Virus: An Overview

Louisville orthopedic surgeon Dr. Stacie Grossfeld is very interested in learning more about the Zika virus. One important reason is that joint pain is one of the major symptoms of Zika. And in reading about Zika, Dr. Grossfeld created an informative PowerPoint presentation, the: Zika Virus Overview, to share so that others can also become informed about this… Read more »

Does Weight Loss Reduce Joint Stress?

According to the latest medical research, you can reduce joint stress on your body by living a healthy lifestyle along with appropriate weight loss. Reduce Joint Stress By Shedding Pounds “A new study shows that for each pound of body weight loss, there is a 4 pound reduction in joint stress among overweight and obese people with… Read more »

Septic Arthritis

New Test for Rapid Diagnosis of Septic Arthritis There is a new and more accurate way to get a quick and inexpensive highly accurate test result on patients with septic arthritis, or a septic knee. The combined use of leukocyte esterase and glucose region strips can give a very quick and accurate diagnosis a septic… Read more »