Posts Tagged: patellar tendonitis

Common Pickleball Injuries and Prevention

Common pickleball injuries

For years, pickleball has been the fastest growing recreational sport in the United States. It’s especially popular among elderly Americans, who enjoy it for socialization and low-impact exercise. Though very similar to other racquet sports like tennis and badminton, pickleball does vary in court size, net height, serve style, and other minor specifics. While pickleball… Read more »

5 Most Common Knee Injuries

Millions of Americans suffer from knee pain and knee injuries each year, and it’s no wonder why. The knee is our largest joint, placed between the two longest bones in the body. As it bends, your entire body weight is transferred onto it. Whether you’re standing still or running a marathon, there’s a constant pressure… Read more »

Jumper’s Knee

Jumper’s Knee Jumper’s knee, or patellar tendonitis, is a knee pain caused by tiny tears in the patellar tendon. This tendon connects the knee cap to the lower leg and is often strained by jumping activities, sports, or even going up-and-down stairs. Keep reading to learn about diagnosis and treatment for this common overuse injury…. Read more »

Jumper’s Knee or Patellar Tendinopathy – Best Jumpers at Increased Risk

Research by Visnes and colleagues (2012) published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine finds that volleyball players with best ability to jump are at an increased risk of jumper’s knee. When a volleyball player jumps over and over again, it can cause tendonitis in the patella or patellar tendonitis, also known as “jumper’s knee”… Read more »