1. When ramping up your mileage do not increase your mileage more than 10% per week.
2. Listen to your body. If you start to have pain, you need to back off and increase your cross training activities.
3. Keep a detailed training log. A training log is also very useful if you get a stress fracture so you can go back and see what caused the stress fracture activity wise. You will not want to repeat that in the future.
4. Check your vitamin D levels. Have your primary care physician check those levels. You would want them to be between 50–60 as an athlete .
5. Mix up your training surfaces and activities. It is a repetitive force on the lower extremity that can cause a stress fracture. By mixing up your training surfaces and activities you will apply different forces to your feet and your lower extremities, which will decrease the repetitive force to the pelvis, hip, legs and feet.
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