What is Subchondroplasty? Subchondroplasty (or SCP) is a method where a doctor injects a hard-setting bone substitute into the bone in order to seal up a fracture. When the leg bone, tibia, or knee becomes overstressed with wear and tear, they develop defects such as insufficiency fractures or bone marrow edema (also known as “bone… Read more »
Monthly Archives: May 2018
Inspiring Personal Trainer & Weight Lifter Lauren Russell
Those who have met Lauren Russell would describe her as the epitome of both dietary and physical health with the physique of a Spartan statue. The 29 year old mom of four, lifts, is active within the CrossFit community, and is also a personal trainer; all of which she has been doing for over 10… Read more »
How to Prevent Fall Injuries in Children: Tips from a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
The most common cause of nonfatal injuries for kids ages 1 to 19 are falls. Every day an estimated 8,000 juveniles are admitted into the emergency room due to injuries sustained from a fall. Fall injuries in children can be as minor as bruises or sprains, but they can also be as serious as head… Read more »
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