Posts By: Orthopaedic Specialists

10 Facts About Stress Fractures

1. Most stress fractures occur secondary to overuse.  If the person has normal bone strength, a stress fracture will occur from too much use. If a person has weak bones or osteoporosis then a stress fracture can occur from normal use. Normal Bone = Stress Fractures = Overuse Osteoporotic Bone/ Osteopenia = Stress Fractures =… Read more »

Top 10 Ways to Treat Knee Osteoarthritis WITHOUT Surgery

If you or someone you love is suffering from knee osteoarthritis, there are treatment options that do not involve surgery.  Read this post to find out more about the top 10 ways to treat knee osteoarthritis without undergoing surgery. 1. Exercises.  Engage in activities that are specific for knee arthritis like water aerobics, floor exercises, yoga… Read more »

Preventing Knee Replacement Surgery (Total Knee Replacement, TKR)

Osteoarthritis of the knee can be a disabling and painfully condition. By definition, osteoarthritis is the loss of the articular cartilage that covers the ends of the bones within the knee joint.  The knee joint is made up of two major bones: the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone).  There should be approximately 5… Read more »

Smoking and Orthopaedics

Did you know that when you smoke that you are inhaling over 60 different carcinogens and 5000 chemical agents? Your lungs are being filled similar chemicals that are found in lighter fluid, batteries, insecticide, and toilet bowl cleaner, rocket fuel, poison, sewer gas, industrial solvents and paint. These chemicals include: butane, cadmium, hexamine, toluene, nicotine,… Read more »

What is New in Knee Osteoarthritis

Exercises Three types of exercises that are recommended for patients with knee osteoarthritis: flexibility, resistance and cardiovascular flexibility exercises.  All three are very good for easing stiff joints which will help patients with their ADLs. It is recommended that the stretches be done in the morning. It may be easiest to perform them in warm bath… Read more »

How Many Pitches Should My Child Throw?

Stacie L. Grossfeld, M.D. Board Certified Orthopaedic Sports Medicine 4001 Kresge Way Suite 330, Orthopaedic Specialists,  PLLC Last year there were 3.5 million visits to the emergency room for sports related injuries that occurred in children under the age of 14. That is a 5 time increase in the number if sports related injuries compared… Read more »