Posts By: Stacie Grossfeld

Jumper’s Knee

Jumper’s Knee Jumper’s knee, or patellar tendonitis, is a knee pain caused by tiny tears in the patellar tendon. This tendon connects the knee cap to the lower leg and is often strained by jumping activities, sports, or even going up-and-down stairs. Keep reading to learn about diagnosis and treatment for this common overuse injury…. Read more »

De Quervain’s Syndrome

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis is a painful condition that affects two tendons on the thumb side of your wrist. These tendons are located in a narrow space, almost like a tunnel. When the tendons become inflamed, they rub against the sides of the “tunnel”, causing pain and swelling. Keep reading to find out the symptoms, diagnosis,… Read more »

What is a Growth Plate Fracture?

How does a bone get longer? Growth plates. They are responsible for bone growth. Children can experience a growth plate fracture with a traumatic injury. Read along to learn more. Growth Plates Each long bone in the body has a growth plate. The growth plate is the area where bones get longer. After children reach… Read more »

What is an AC Joint Dislocation?

The AC joint is located in the shoulder where two bones meet. You can experience an AC joint dislocation with some traumatic injuries. Read on to learn more. AC Joint The AC joint is located between the clavicle and acromion in your shoulder. AC stands for acromioclavicular (acromion plus clavicle). The joint has a few… Read more »

Knee Arthritis: Managing Pain and Inflammation

If you have knee arthritis, you know that arthritic symptoms can wax and wane. You may have days where your knee feels fairly normal. You may also experience times when symptoms start for no reason at all. Your arthritic knee can enter a flared up phase from changes in the weather. Trauma and increased activity… Read more »

Avoid Knee Replacement Surgery

If you have significant knee arthritis, you may be considering a knee replacement. Knee arthritis causes inflammation and pain in the knee that can become debilitating. Essentially, osteoarthritis is the break down of the cartilage in the knee joint. The knee normally has a smooth surface, but with arthritis the surface becomes jagged and rough…. Read more »

Diagnosing and Treating Ankle Injuries

If you have experienced a pop around your ankle, it can be pretty unsettling. Today we’re going to go over two common ankle injuries that can cause this: an Achille’s tendon tear and an ankle sprain. Read along to learn more about these two ankle injuries. Achilles Tendon Tear Achilles tendon tears are most likely… Read more »

Platelet Rich Plasma: A Treatment for Osteoarthritis and Inflammation

Platelet Rich Plasma Is Used to Treat Osteoarthritis and Inflammation Platelet Rich Plasma is used to treat osteoarthritis and inflammation . PRP is short for platelet rich plasma. Treatment of inflammation and osteoarthritis involves using PRP. This is a new area of orthopaedics called orthobiologics. This is an area of medicine where we use the body to… Read more »

Broken Bone Versus Fracture: What is the Difference?

Broken Bone Versus Fracture A broken bone versus a fracture: what is the difference?–conditions/fractures-broken-bones/ They both mean the same thing. You will probably hear doctors or health care providers use the word fracture more often than broken bone. For instance, different types of fractures or broken bones occur based on the degree of injury. Stress… Read more »