Posts Categorized: Arthritis

How A Tick Bite Can Lead to Lyme Disease & Arthritis

lyme arthritis

Tick season is upon us. Known to thrive in the warmer climate, ticks can be a danger to us as well as our pets. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “State and local health departments have reported a record number of cases of tick borne disease.” Lyme disease (a bacterial infection commonly… Read more »

Do I Have Scoliosis?

Often when a patient comes in with back pain, they ask the question, “Do I have scoliosis?” Scoliosis is a curvature and a rotational deformity of the spine. By definition, the curvature of the spine should be at least 10°. There are 2 Types of Scoliosis: 1. Adolescent Onset Scoliosis The standard case of scoliosis… Read more »

What is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when there is consistent and damaging pressure on the rear tibial nerve. The tibial nerve branches off the sciatic nerve and can be found near the ankle. As this nerve runs through the inside of the ankle in what is called a tarsal tunnel, it is surrounded and bound by bone… Read more »

Under Pressure: What Causes a Pinched Nerve?

Nerves act as sounding alarms for our bodies, sending messages to alert us of damage done. In the case of a pinched nerve, we often feel sharp pain. This pain is the symptom of nerve compression. What is a Pinched Nerve? When a nerve is surrounded by too much compression from nearby tissues such as muscles,… Read more »

The Top 7 Things You Can Do To Avoid Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee problems are becoming more and more prevalent for patients of all ages, as old sports injuries rear their ugly head. However, even for those in constant pain, going under  the knife should never be the first option. There are many treatment options that can add longevity to your knees and have been found to… Read more »

Injection Therapies for Knee Osteoarthritis

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) PRP injections are a process where blood is drawn out of your arm in the office. We then centrifuge your blood in order to separate out the platelets from the rest of your blood cells. These platelets are then injected back into the knee joint. PRP injections tend to work as… Read more »

Supplements Recommended For Patients By Dr. Stacie Grossfeld

Louisville Orthopedic Surgeon Stacie Grossfeld recommends the following supplements as a means of improving your joint health! Turmeric Turmeric is not only a spice, but a member of the ginger family, and is often used in curry powder. The active portion of turmeric is known as curcumin (Curcuma longa). The anti inflammatory and free radical-scavenging… Read more »

The Not So Funny Feeling You Get When You Hit Your Funny Bone

Using PRP Injections to Treat Cubital Tunnel Syndrome We’ve all been there. Somehow, and often out of nowhere, you hit your elbow in just the right spot to cause severe pain to shoot up and down your arm. This pain occurs whether you barely hit your elbow or when you really smack it against something…. Read more »

Back Pain During Pregnancy: How To Find Relief

Pregnancy is a miracle in and of itself; however, that doesn’t mean that the entire process is painless. For most women, the excitement of bringing a child into the world overpowers any discomfort. That is not the case for everyone though. Some women find themselves in quite a bit of pain while pregnant. One of… Read more »

Lyme Disease and the Potential for Lyme Arthritis

Catching Lyme disease alone is already an unwanted and complicated concern. To make matters worse, if left untreated for too long Lyme disease can lead to the development of lyme arthritis.It is especially important for doctors to be vigilant when it comes to examining patients who show symptoms of joint pain after being affected by… Read more »