Chris’s Service
Chris Ethridge, M.D. is a second year resident with the University of Louisville Family Medicine and Geriatrics. He has had a very interesting journey to become a family medicine physician. He was active duty military and served one tour in Afghanistan and then two tours in Iraq. Three tours shows an uncompromising dedication to our country. Dr Ethridge joined the military in June of 2002, a week out of high school. Initially he was stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC with the 82nd Airborne Division. He then moved back to Kentucky in 2006 to go to college.
After graduating from medical school and starting his residency with the Department of Anesthesia. No wait, did I say anesthesia? Yes, two years into his anesthesia residency he decided he wanted more patient interactions (awake patient contact) and the ability to develop long term relationships. Patient relationships led him to the Department of Family Medicine and Geriatrics.
But First Nursing
He did have a brief break between residency positions and actually worked as a nursing assistant at the ICU at Norton Audubon Hospital. During that time none of the nurses were unaware that he was a physician with two years of anesthesia under his belt. A pro at floating central lines, placing art lines, reading chest x-rays, and understanding the complex care of a critically ill patient, he maintained his humble status. Not too proud to change a bed, lift a patient that needed assistance, or work with the skilled nursing staff to make their job easier.
He has a huge smile on his face when he talks about that experience and the wonderful nursing staff that he worked with side by side. When asked when the staff found out his secret. He stated they found out the day he matched with the Family Medicine Department. He said his work family was thrilled!!!
Dr. Chris Ethridge is a quick study and a pleasure to work with for the month of May. Hopefully we instilled a bit of orthopedics into his skill set! He has two beautiful children and an amazing wife, and is originally from Paducah, Kentucky.

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