8 Medical Apps Recommended by Louisville Orthopedic Stacie Grossfeld MD

If you are looking for medical apps, Goodrix is ideal for those people taking multiple medications. This app allows users to input their medication information and it will organize and display the price of the medication available at different pharmacies in your area. This information allows users to find the lowest price for their medications. While it may be hard to believe, pharmacies do sell medications at different prices. This app is wonderful for those people looking to save money and get the best deal on pricey medications.
Red Cross First Aid
The Red Cross First Aid app is extremely useful for daily medical emergencies, or even extreme scenarios. By offering step-by-step instructions during any emergency, this app becomes remarkably useful. There are videos and animations that describe in detail ways to provide care until emergency responders are able to take over. This app can also become a way for you to test your first aid skills before an emergency takes place by supplying interactive quizzes for you to complete and share with friends!
Mayo Clinic
The Mayo Clinic app becomes your online health community by providing the latest research and so much more. This app allows users to request appointments now, rather than waiting on hold all day. Once the appointment is confirmed, the app then allows users to add this information directly to his or her phone. This app is designed to help users understand more about his health history and any other questions that may arise. While the app has many great features, the ability to share and view lab results at the same pace of your physician is something that is extremely pertinent. This app allows you to view x-rays and MRIs on your phone in a timely manner. It may seem overwhelming for some individuals, but the connectivity of this app is transforming the relationship between physicians and their patients.
This medical app by Webmd is extremely useful for those looking to answer questions about certain symptoms, as well as drug and treatment information. Like the Webmd website, the app is full of detailed information about specific diseases and conditions, as well as the options for treatment. While the basic app is packed with helpful tips and information, Webmd has also developed several other apps specific for your medical condition or current issues.
In terms of medical apps, Itriage provides a combination of connectivity and knowledge. This app allows users to navigate hospitals and healthcare providers in the area in the event of an emergency. This seems to be extremely useful for families traveling with sick children that may need medical attention quickly. It doesn’t matter if you are unfamiliar to the area, because this app will help you navigate your way to a physician. Don’t forget this app has other features like the ability to research your symptoms, medications and conditions. The app has a built in feature for those in need of certain hotlines as well.
Out of all the available medical apps, this Harvard Study has found Docresponse to be one of the most accurate symptom checker and diagnostic apps available on the market. It allows users to ask direct and specific questions about their symptoms in order to identify a definitive condition.
This app is perfect for healthcare providers, as well as those receiving treatment for a specific condition or dealing with medical issues. This app is perfect for scheduling medications and understanding treatment options. It has been ranked No. 1 for Medical Reference Apps in 2015 among U.S. physicians.
The Medscape app has over 4 million users and keeps users informed with the latest medical news for specific categories. While this app is great for patients, it is even better for physicians and medical students. There are several continuing medical education courses that are perfect for keeping everyone well-informed.
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