Platelet Rich Plasma vs. Platelet Poor Plasma

platelet rich plasma vs platelet poor plasmaIs platelet rich plasma (PRP) better than platelet poor plasma?

Current orthopaedic uses of platelet rich plasma or PRP include three major areas: 1) Acute muscle/ tendon injuries, for example, hamstring tears, 2) Chronic tendinitis, for example, tennis elbow, and 3) Intraoperative augmentation, for example, rotator cuff repairs.

There are numerous studies examining the effects of PRP but the type of PRP many times is not listed in the study. There are different formulas of PRP that are available.

An article published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine in May, 2014, examined leukocyte Rich PRP, leukocyte poor PRP versus platelet poor plasma. A research group out of Stanford University led by Hilary Braun found that when leukocyte poor plasma is injected into synovial cells they are better results and less death of the cells compared to when leukocyte rich plasma is injected into synovial cells.

The researchers concluded that clinicians should consider using leukocyte poor PRP as compared to platelet rich PRP.

It is important for future research to fully identify the type of PRP used in the different studies so apples can be compared to apples, so to speak. It is also important that the reader make note of the type of formula used in the article when quoting the research or applying research findings to clinical practice .