Posts Tagged: knee joint

5 Reasons Walking is Good for Knee Joints

Dr. Stacie Grossfeld of Orthopaedic Specialists in Louisville, KY explains 5 reasons that walking is good for knee joints.

For many of us that lead busy lives, there never seems to be much time to commit to the proper amount of exercise recommended, which is 30-60 minutes per day for adults. Between managing a family, having a full-time job, cooking healthy meals, and taking care of our home and other responsibilities, getting a gym… Read more »

Injection Therapies for Knee Osteoarthritis

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) PRP injections are a process where blood is drawn out of your arm in the office. We then centrifuge your blood in order to separate out the platelets from the rest of your blood cells. These platelets are then injected back into the knee joint. PRP injections tend to work as… Read more »