Posts Tagged: lateral epicondylitis

Tennis Elbow Band: How It Works

Tennis Elbow Band Louisville KY

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition resulting from overuse of the forearm muscles and tendons near the elbow joint. Despite its name, this ailment is not limited to tennis players. It can affect anyone engaging in repetitive arm and wrist activities. The primary symptom is pain and tenderness on the outside of… Read more »

Patient Education: Tennis Elbow Repair

Tennis Elbow Repair Overview Orthopaedic Specialists 502-212-2663 Stacie Grossfeld, M.D. / Bess Fley, PA-C Tennis Elbow surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure. Upon arrival at the surgicenter you will first meet with the registration person to check you in. You will then be brought back to the pre-op area and meet with your nursing… Read more »

Golf Injury and the Upper Body

With an estimated 60 million people participating in golf world wide, researchers led by Dr. Michael Cohen and colleagues looked at golf related injuries to understand common golf injury patterns and prevention. Some causes of injuries in golfers include the following: Overplaying the game Problems with the golf swing Hitting the ground Golf Injury from… Read more »

Louisville Orthopedic Demonstrates Tennis Elbow Exercises in YouTube Video

Are you experiencing pain from tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis?  Check out the latest YouTube video from Louisville orthopedic surgeon Dr. Stacie Grossfeld for specific tennis elbow exercises that you can try!