Posts Tagged: orthopaedic doctor

Treatment for a Torn Achilles Tendon

Achilles’ tendon tear In a male athlete

Treatment for a torn Achilles’ tendon is typically surgery. Surgery has been showing to increase the patient’s strength compared to non-surgical treatment. The risk of the tendon re-tearing after surgery is less. Patients’ power in the leg is greater when surgery is used to treat the torn Achilles. The non-surgerical treatment has a higher re-rupture… Read more »

Four Layers of The Hip & How They Factor Into Athletic Injuries

A recent article from the April edition of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons focused on how hip injuries can lead to long-term negative effects within the athletic community. To thoroughly explain how these injuries occur, the authors Dean Lynch, Aseesh Bedi, and Christopher Larson discuss the hip joint according to four separate layers. The Osseous… Read more »

10 Facts About Stress Fractures

1. Most stress fractures occur secondary to overuse.  If the person has normal bone strength, a stress fracture will occur from too much use. If a person has weak bones or osteoporosis then a stress fracture can occur from normal use. Normal Bone = Stress Fractures = Overuse Osteoporotic Bone/ Osteopenia = Stress Fractures =… Read more »