Posts Tagged: orthopedic surgeon

Findings at the time of Shoulder Surgery that can determine Rotator Cuff Surgery Success or Failure

The surgical repair of a rotator cuff tear has failure rates ranging from 20 to 90 percent. Even if the surgeon performs a technically perfect surgery some rotator cuff repairs will fail.  Failure is defined as a recurrent tear. Shoulder surgeons are unsure if the cuff repair never heals or it heals and then quickly… Read more »

What is Kienbock’s Disease? Find Out More from Louisville Orthopedic Surgeon

While researchers don’t know what causes Kienbock’s disease, this painful condition often starts with the symptoms of a wrist sprain.  Other symptoms include pain when turning the hand up, limited hand grip, stiffness and decreased motion in the wrist and sometimes swelling in the affected area. The symptoms of Kienbock’s Disease tend to get progressively… Read more »

Suffering from Wrist Pain? Louisville Orthopedic Surgeon Explains De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis or “Gamer’s Thumb”

Are you suffering from De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis? If you are experiencing pain on the inside of your wrist that causes you discomfort whenever you hold things or clench your fist, you might have De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis. This condition, which is also sometimes called gamer’s thumb, affects the two

Orthopaedic Specialists in Louisville Kentucky is on YouTube at LouisvilleBones

Louisville orthopedic surgeon Dr. Stacie Grossfeld now has a YouTube channel for her medical practice Orthopaedic Specialists.  Check out to see a video featuring slides from Dr. Grossfeld’s recent talk at the University of Louisville to the Department of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. The lecture, titled: “Differential Diagnosis for Knee and Shoulder Injuries: How to Patient Profile,”… Read more »