Posts Tagged: sports medicine doctor

Dr. Grossfeld Opens Kentucky’s First F45 Fitness Center

F45, the Australian-born hardcore fitness trend that has become a global phenomenon, is about to explode in Louisville. Seven local investors, led by Dr. Stacie Grossfeld, owner of “Orthopedic Specialists,” have purchased the rights to open six F45 locations — the very first in Kentucky. Three of the boutique fitness studios are slated to open… Read more »

How to Properly Train For Long Distance Running

As spring approaches so too does running season here in the Ville! Saturday the 23rd is the Anthem 5K Fitness Classic, followed by the Rodes City Run 10K on March 9th, the Papa Johns 10 Miler March 23rd and the Mini Marathon and Marathon run of April 27th.  Whether you’re gearing up for the Louisville… Read more »

Understanding & Treating A Torn ACL

Our ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is the major ligament in our knee that provides stability. It helps keep our knee together and controls the back and forth motion of the knee. A torn ACL is common among young athletes who repeatedly twist, turn, and participate in stop and go movements associated with soccer, football, basketball… Read more »

How Stretching Helps Injury Prevention

injury prevention

Anyone who considers themselves an athlete is aware of the importance of stretching. There are numerous benefits to stretching and you should stretch before and after a workout to prevent injuries. Whether you are a runner, someone who loves lifting weights, or on a competitive sports league, you must stretch your muscles. While injury prevention… Read more »

Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The carpal tunnel is located in our wrist and contains a nerve as well as several tendons used to flex our fingers and thumb. When the tunnel’s nerve gets compressed or pinched, this is known as carpal tunnel syndrome. A constant ache, weakness in the hand or wrist, as well as numbness, tingling, swelling or… Read more »

6 Exercises to Increase Bone Health

While most people don’t consider bone health to be a core reason to work out, the fact is our bones play a large role in our ability to live an active and independent lifestyle, and exercising them can be vastly beneficial when it comes to maintaining their strength.  Whats more, research has shown that by… Read more »

Tips for Avoiding Edema

Edema is characterized by immense swelling as a result of excess fluid that is trapped in the body’s tissues. There are many types of edema. Peripheral Edema occurs in the feet, ankles, legs and hands, while Pedal Edema is more concentrated in the feet. Additionally, Pulmonary Edema develops when the lungs fill up with fluid… Read more »

How Long Does it Take to Recover from a Frozen Shoulder?

If you are feeling any pain when moving or using your shoulder, you may be experiencing what is known as a “frozen shoulder” or “adhesive capsulitis.” Pain in the upper most outside of the arm is often followed by stiffness and a steady loss of movement that can limit day to day activities and tasks. … Read more »

What is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when there is consistent and damaging pressure on the rear tibial nerve. The tibial nerve branches off the sciatic nerve and can be found near the ankle. As this nerve runs through the inside of the ankle in what is called a tarsal tunnel, it is surrounded and bound by bone… Read more »

Under Pressure: What Causes a Pinched Nerve?

Nerves act as sounding alarms for our bodies, sending messages to alert us of damage done. In the case of a pinched nerve, we often feel sharp pain. This pain is the symptom of nerve compression. What is a Pinched Nerve? When a nerve is surrounded by too much compression from nearby tissues such as muscles,… Read more »