10 Things We Have Learned While Providing Telehealth Appointments

1. Patients are so thankful that we are providing a way from them to have their orthopedic issues addressed.
2. We have been graciously invited into their homes via FaceTime or other conference platforms.
3. You can actually do a lot of an orthopedic exam without ever putting your hands on a patient. You have to be clever about helping the patient do the exam with you. For example: the patients palpate specific areas on their knee where you would normally palpate to look for a specific pathology.
4. Most patients no matter their age are pretty handy with FaceTime.
5. We’ve been able to review patients’ x-rays from various sources by them allowing us to look at their films from their phone or computer.
6. Patients have allowed us to streamline this process, when they call to make an appointment we are gathering key data and giving them information on how to set up their phones, iPads, or laptops for the telehealth visit.
7. Not everybody knows where the volume button is located on their smart device.
8. We are learning the names and even getting to visit with some of their pets.
9. Sometimes patients forget that we will need to examine the body part that is below the web cam level. There’s been a couple times when we had to go off camera so they could get appropriately dressed.
10. The bottom line is patients are extremely appreciative of this service in these unprecedented times.
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