15 Habits of Healthy People

15 Habits of Healthy PeopleWhile eating nutritious foods and working out are great ways to improve your health, there is so much more to consider. Health and wellness requires a holistic approach that not only focuses on nutrition and fitness, but other areas as well. In order to achieve optimal health, it may be worth your while to take a look at the 15 habits of healthy people.

  1. Eat Well: Eating fruits and veggies is important, but don’t forget to add in other food groups. Healthy people are those that add in new food groups and make good choices in the kitchen and at restaurants.
  2. Exercise Often: Healthy people are constantly on the move and getting in their workout whenever possible. These people make time for exercise instead of simply fitting it in whenever convenient.
  3. Drink Lots of Water: Healthy people are constantly gulping down water throughout the day. Instead of drinking soda and coffee throughout the day, try getting your  recommended 8 glasses of water daily.
  4. Sleep: This may sound easy, but for some this is easier said than done. Healthy people are always well rested and stick to a solid sleep schedule. This will help you succeed throughout the day and stay focused.
  5. Smile: Healthy people tend to be happy people. Try smiling more and letting others see your radiant affection.
  6. Practice Good Hygiene: To be clean is another way to be happy. Always practice good hygiene and don’t forget to floss!
  7. Try New Things: Healthy people aren’t afraid to try new things from making a new recipe, to trying snowboarding for the first time. Be spontaneous and adventurous in your healthy lifestyle.
  8. Friends: Surround yourself with happy, positive people that care about you. These friends will help you stay focused on your healthy mission in life.
  9. Practice Portion Control: Healthy people allow themselves to have a treat now and then. The reason they are able to enjoy themselves is because they practice portion control and healthy serving sizes.
  10. Avoid Addictive Habits: Smoking and binge drinking keep individuals from living a healthy lifestyle. Those that lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle refrain from addictive behaviors like smoking and other harmful activities.
  11. Set Goals: Healthy people are constantly striving for improvement. This new year don’t forget to set goals and reward yourself for these accomplishments
  12. Schedule Routine Appointments: To maintain a healthy lifestyle, you should schedule regular appointments with your physician to monitor different areas of your health. You should also obtain preventative health screenings during your visits.  
  13. Balance: In order to be healthy, you have to address every aspect of your body and mind. Juggling, prioritizing and scheduling can get stressful at times. Limit your stress by learning how to balance your life.
  14. Quiet Time: Give yourself some time everyday to reflect, think and schedule all of your priorities and tasks. Take time for yourself each and everyday in order to reduce stress and maintain your balance.
  15. Be Flexible: It is important to realize that everyone is healthy in their own way. Don’t let the stress and structure of trying to maintain the perfect body or mind keep you from doing the things you love. Try and be flexible and understanding toward conflict and trials.

Healthy, happy people are those who are able to bring a positive, disciplined attitude into the many areas of daily living. A healthy lifestyle involves a good attitude, conscious effort, determination and work hard. Try adding some healthy habits to your routine and read more of our health and nutrition blogs here. Your body and mind will thank you!