Posts Categorized: Arthritis

Patient of the Month: Chris Schardein

Chris Schardein is May's Patient of the Month for Orthopaedic Specialists.

Meet this month’s patient in the spotlight, Chris Schardein! Chris Schardein and her husband, Bill, are the proud owners of 2 and 3/8 acres in Fern Creek, where they have been growing daylilies since 1996. Their flower journey dates back even further to 1989, though, when they had only a 1/2-acre lot in Hikes Point,… Read more »

Patient of the Month: Joyce Koch

Joyce Koch suffered from arthritis in her knees, which Dr. Stacie Grossfeld at Orthopedic Specialists in Louisville, KY was originally treating her for, when she was rear-ended twice and needed physical therapy for back pain.

Meet this month’s patient in the spotlight, Joyce Koch! If you were previously a student at St. Agnes, Assumption High School, or Presentation Academy, then Joyce’s name might be familiar. Having been a teacher since 1968, with 29 years spent at Assumption High School and the other 24 spent between Presentation Academy and St. Agnes… Read more »

February is All About Heart

What are the best exercises for heart health? Cardiovascular health in Louisville, KY.

The month of February seems to be overflowing with symbols of love and devotion: shaped into candy, stamped onto cards, sewn into pillows and stuffed animals – the heart is everywhere! Valentine’s Day is only one event that happens to fall in the short month, though; February is American Heart Month, too. So, while you… Read more »

Pickled on the Court: Pickleball Injury Treatment

Pickleball Injuries and the importance of Physical Therapy before an injury

Across the decades, different sports have come to be all the rage amongst particular age groups – perhaps you remember playing four-square and kickball in grade school, participating in the rage of football or basketball season in college, watched as the Spikeball national tournament earned a spot on one of ESPN’s networks. Sports have a… Read more »

Why Does My Gout Flare Up At Night?

Gout, Attacks at Night, and how to treat it

While all forms of arthritis seem unbearable at times, a particularly painful, rather common and, most of the time, unexpected strain is gout. Perhaps you’ve heard the term, but don’t know how to characterize the form of arthritis – but now, suddenly, the joint of your big toe has become affected and you’re looking for… Read more »

Injury Prevention for Older Athletes

How to Prevent Injuries as you Age

No one likes coming to terms with getting older. It happens across the board, whether fitness is a regular part of your schedule or not, regardless of whether you are an artist, a coach, an engineer, or a pro-badminton player. What does matter, however, is how sports injuries are addressed, treated, and most importantly, prevented…. Read more »

Ankle Sprain Treatment Helps Early Recovery

Early Treatment for Ankle Sprains Result in a Quicker Recovery Early treatment for ankle sprains  results in a quicker recovery. An ankle sprain is an injury that occurs with trauma. In addition, when  the twisting injury occurs, up to 4 major ligaments in the ankle can tear. Therefore it can result in swelling, bruising and… Read more »

Injury Heat Versus Ice? What is the Best One to Use?

What is the Best Way to Treat an Injury or Joint Pain: Heat Versus Ice? What is the best way to treat and injury or joint pain: heat versus ice? Ice versus heat is a common question I get asked as an orthopaedic surgeon on a a regular basis injuries that produce swelling are best… Read more »

Why Does My Knee Hurt?

why does my knee hurt

Why Does My Knee Hurt? Why does my knee hurt? This is a common question I get asked as an orthopedic surgeon For instance, common causes of knee pain are osteoarthritis, cartilage tears or  ligament injury. Knee pain can start after an injury . In addition, it can also start after overuse.  Knee pain… Read more »