An ACL Tear Treated with a Hamstring Graft ACL tear needs to be reconstructed in most patients . People that are active in twisting and turning activities need an ACL–conditions/anterior-cruciate-ligament-acl-injuriesWe cannot suture the torn ACL back together. Therefore, the ACL must be reconstructed. I recommend the hamstring graft. ACL tears reconstructed with a hamstring… Read more »
Posts Categorized: General Orthopedics
Preventing Office Injuries

Even working in an office can put unnoticeable strain on the body. From your office’s ergonomics to simple lifestyle changes, here’s how to prevent injuries and stay healthy while on the job. Sit Less We’ve all heard the phrase, “sitting is the new smoking.” This can be pretty daunting considering most of us spend at… Read more »
How Stretching Helps Injury Prevention

Anyone who considers themselves an athlete is aware of the importance of stretching. There are numerous benefits to stretching and you should stretch before and after a workout to prevent injuries. Whether you are a runner, someone who loves lifting weights, or on a competitive sports league, you must stretch your muscles. While injury prevention… Read more »
Tips for Avoiding Edema

Edema is characterized by immense swelling as a result of excess fluid that is trapped in the body’s tissues. There are many types of edema. Peripheral Edema occurs in the feet, ankles, legs and hands, while Pedal Edema is more concentrated in the feet. Additionally, Pulmonary Edema develops when the lungs fill up with fluid… Read more »
How Long Does it Take to Recover from a Frozen Shoulder?

If you are feeling any pain when moving or using your shoulder, you may be experiencing what is known as a “frozen shoulder” or “adhesive capsulitis.” Pain in the upper most outside of the arm is often followed by stiffness and a steady loss of movement that can limit day to day activities and tasks. … Read more »
Under Pressure: What Causes a Pinched Nerve?

Nerves act as sounding alarms for our bodies, sending messages to alert us of damage done. In the case of a pinched nerve, we often feel sharp pain. This pain is the symptom of nerve compression. What is a Pinched Nerve? When a nerve is surrounded by too much compression from nearby tissues such as muscles,… Read more »
Pitting Edema VS Non-Pitting Edema: What’s the Difference?
Edema is a medical terms that refers to swelling caused by the body holding onto fluid. Edema, which was once called dropsy, usually occurs in a person’s feet, ankles, or legs. There are some occasions where edema can also occur in a person’s hands, face, or even affect additional body parts. There are many different… Read more »
6 Health Benefits of Swimming According to an Orthopedic Surgeon
Swimming is a wonderful way to enjoy the summer time. Whether you’re going to the beach, lake, or pool — swimming is a fun way to exercise and keep cool during the hot months. However, swimming doesn’t have to be an activity you only partake in when the sun is out and the weather is… Read more »
How to Prevent Fall Injuries in Children: Tips from a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon

The most common cause of nonfatal injuries for kids ages 1 to 19 are falls. Every day an estimated 8,000 juveniles are admitted into the emergency room due to injuries sustained from a fall. Fall injuries in children can be as minor as bruises or sprains, but they can also be as serious as head… Read more »
What is Pulmonary Edema?
In short, pulmonary edema is a condition where a person’s lungs are prone to filling up with fluid. Because of this, the body then struggles to get enough oxygen. Pulmonary edema is especially risky for people with heart problems. Treatment consists of medications, but there are also surgeries and procedures used to drain the fluid… Read more »
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