Posts Categorized: Wrestling

ACL Treated with Hamstring Graft

An ACL Tear Treated with a Hamstring Graft ACL tear needs to be reconstructed in most patients . People that are active in twisting and turning activities need an ACL–conditions/anterior-cruciate-ligament-acl-injuriesWe cannot suture the torn ACL back together. Therefore, the ACL must be reconstructed. I recommend the hamstring graft.  ACL tears reconstructed  with a hamstring… Read more »

Back in the Game: How Dr. Stacie Grossfeld Helps Wrestling Champion Recover from Injury

Donna French and Dr. Stacie Grossfeld first met on the tennis court. Both women love the game and both have many years of experience competing at a very high level through the USTA. But when Donna’s son Hunter experienced a serious sports injury, she turned to Dr. Grossfield for another area of expertise “During Hunter’s… Read more »