Return to sport after pediatric ACL ligament reconstruction and its effect on subsequent ACL injuries, the JBJS 2017. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common with estimates suggesting that there are upwards of 100,000 to 200,000 ACL injuries in the U.S. each year. Frequently acl injuries occur during sporting activities that require a lot of… Read more »
Posts Tagged: anterior cruciate ligament
Genetics and ACL Injuries in Women
ACL Injuries in Women – Do Genes Play a Role? There has been a potential identification of the genes that may control the higher risk of the ACL injury in women compared to men. It is estimated that over 200,000 ACL injuries occur in United States every year. There is a disproportionate number of non-contact injuries occurring in… Read more »
The Societal and Economic Impact of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear
What is the cost in both societal and economic impact of the anterior cruciate ligament tear? Is there a difference in cost when comparing patients who have undergone an ACL reconstruction versus more conservative treatment? An outstanding study published in the October 2013 issue of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery compared a cost analysis… Read more »
Knee Function and Quality of Life after Bilateral ACL Injuries
The ACL injury is very common in certain sports such as soccer, football, and basketball. The data has revealed that 14 percent of patients with a unilateral ACL injury will go on to develop an ACL injury to the other leg. There is an incidence of 32 to 70 ACL injuries per 100,000 people per… Read more »
ACL Injury Topic of New Video Created by Louisville Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Stacie Grossfeld
Louisville orthopedic and Sports Medicine physician Dr. Stacie Grossfeld recently created an educational video covering ACL Injury and ACL tears. Check out the ACL injury video on YouTube. The video is based on a recent keynote lecture Dr. Grossfeld provided to the “No Bones About It” Lecture Series at Baptist Hospital East in Louisville, Kentucky, in January 2013. Dr…. Read more »
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