Posts Tagged: Dr. Stacie Grossfeld

A Study on Concussions: Meet Harriet Owen, Professional Cyclist

Getting a concussion is a serious injury, especially if it goes undiagnosed or untreated. Head trauma, no matter how small, should always be tested for possible concussions, because as we'll read, they can have big consequences if left alone.

You get rear-ended on your way home from work, a stray foul ball hits you when your attention is elsewhere at your child’s baseball game, you trip over a root on a hike and don’t have time to catch yourself before your head hits the ground – head injuries are more common than you might… Read more »

Winter Paddle Boarding

Winter paddle boarding what to wear and how to do it

Now that we’ve crept into the colder months, all those fun summer activities we listed seem to have run their course and passed their prime time. But that’s not true at all! In fact, the activities such as trail walking, running, and hiking and indoor fitness classes are just as applicable in the winter as… Read more »

5 Ways You Can Prepare for Rotator Cuff Surgery

How to prepare for shoulder surgery rotator cuff

If you’ve never had experience with surgery, your first time in the operating room might be daunting. That anxiety, combined with the fact that shoulder injuries are never fun, much less rotator cuff shoulder injuries that require surgery, might have you surprised to find out that you have a reason to be relieved. Now, we… Read more »

Pickled on the Court: Pickleball Injury Treatment

Pickleball Injuries and the importance of Physical Therapy before an injury

Across the decades, different sports have come to be all the rage amongst particular age groups – perhaps you remember playing four-square and kickball in grade school, participating in the rage of football or basketball season in college, watched as the Spikeball national tournament earned a spot on one of ESPN’s networks. Sports have a… Read more »

Why Does My Gout Flare Up At Night?

Gout, Attacks at Night, and how to treat it

While all forms of arthritis seem unbearable at times, a particularly painful, rather common and, most of the time, unexpected strain is gout. Perhaps you’ve heard the term, but don’t know how to characterize the form of arthritis – but now, suddenly, the joint of your big toe has become affected and you’re looking for… Read more »

Employee Spotlight: Bailey Belcher

Bailey Belcher Barrell Racing

Meet our employee in the spotlight, Bailey Belcher! When ATA College Grad and X-Ray tech Bailey Belcher isn’t working hard at Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC, you’ll likely find her on her horse Hot Rod. She’s been training with Hot Rod – a 4 year-old Kentucky born and bred quarter horse, since he was only one. Bailey… Read more »

Osteoporosis and Gender: What You Need to Know

Osteoporosis in Men and Women, Symptoms & Differences

Your bones are not as inert and fixed as you may think. Bone is actually a living tissue that responds to stress. As we age, sometimes our bone cannot regenerate as fast as it needs to, resulting in osteoporosis: a disease marked by weak, brittle bones that are very prone to fracture. Osteoporotic fractures affect… Read more »

5 Underrated Running Spots in Louisville

5 Underrated Running Spots in Louisville

Running is a great way to stay healthy and fit this summer. Even regular casual jogging has been shown to reduce cardiovascular disease and lengthen life. Running has also been linked to better mood and memory. Unlike lifting weights and cycling, running requires almost no special equipment, making it extremely beginner friendly. With only a… Read more »