Posts Tagged: exercise

Winter Paddle Boarding

Winter paddle boarding what to wear and how to do it

Now that we’ve crept into the colder months, all those fun summer activities we listed seem to have run their course and passed their prime time. But that’s not true at all! In fact, the activities such as trail walking, running, and hiking and indoor fitness classes are just as applicable in the winter as… Read more »

Pickled on the Court: Pickleball Injury Treatment

Pickleball Injuries and the importance of Physical Therapy before an injury

Across the decades, different sports have come to be all the rage amongst particular age groups – perhaps you remember playing four-square and kickball in grade school, participating in the rage of football or basketball season in college, watched as the Spikeball national tournament earned a spot on one of ESPN’s networks. Sports have a… Read more »

Injury Prevention for Older Athletes

How to Prevent Injuries as you Age

No one likes coming to terms with getting older. It happens across the board, whether fitness is a regular part of your schedule or not, regardless of whether you are an artist, a coach, an engineer, or a pro-badminton player. What does matter, however, is how sports injuries are addressed, treated, and most importantly, prevented…. Read more »

5 Ways To Stay Active and Healthy in The Holiday Season

It can be hard to maintain your fitness in the holiday season! Read how here.

Making time for exercise is always difficult, but it is especially challenging in the holiday season. Whether you feel restricted by freezing temperatures, limited daylight hours, or the pressure of familial and social obligations, you’re certainly not alone if you struggle to get your fitness in during the winter months! According to a Gallup poll,… Read more »

Exercising Safely During the Pandemic

Keeping active during the pandemic is important for your health and wellness. It can be hard to evaluate what the level of risk is with different activities, though. You may have questions like: when do I need to wear a mask, what should I avoid doing, and is it safe to go to a gym?… Read more »

The Benefits of Exercise for Your Immune System

Exercise has a lot of health benefits. There is significant data showing that it actually helps boost your immune system. Let’s take a look at the evidence. General Health Benefits of Exercise We know that regular exercise has a wide range of positive effects on the body. It helps lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health,… Read more »

6 Exercises to Increase Bone Health

While most people don’t consider bone health to be a core reason to work out, the fact is our bones play a large role in our ability to live an active and independent lifestyle, and exercising them can be vastly beneficial when it comes to maintaining their strength.  Whats more, research has shown that by… Read more »

Inspiring Personal Trainer & Weight Lifter Lauren Russell

Those who have met Lauren Russell would describe her as the epitome of both dietary and physical health with the physique of a Spartan statue. The 29 year old mom of four, lifts, is active within the CrossFit community, and is also a personal trainer; all of which she has been doing for over 10… Read more »