Posts Tagged: kentucky orthopedic

10 Important Things to Know Before Getting Subchondroplasty


What is Subchondroplasty? Subchondroplasty (or SCP) is a method where a doctor injects a hard-setting bone substitute into the bone in order to seal up a fracture. When the leg bone, tibia, or knee becomes overstressed with wear and tear, they develop defects such as insufficiency fractures or bone marrow edema (also known as “bone… Read more »

Inspiring Personal Trainer & Weight Lifter Lauren Russell

Those who have met Lauren Russell would describe her as the epitome of both dietary and physical health with the physique of a Spartan statue. The 29 year old mom of four, lifts, is active within the CrossFit community, and is also a personal trainer; all of which she has been doing for over 10… Read more »

Supplements Recommended For Patients By Dr. Stacie Grossfeld

Louisville Orthopedic Surgeon Stacie Grossfeld recommends the following supplements as a means of improving your joint health! Turmeric Turmeric is not only a spice, but a member of the ginger family, and is often used in curry powder. The active portion of turmeric is known as curcumin (Curcuma longa). The anti inflammatory and free radical-scavenging… Read more »

What is Pulmonary Edema?

In short, pulmonary edema is a condition where a person’s lungs are prone to filling up with fluid. Because of this, the body then struggles to get enough oxygen. Pulmonary edema is especially risky for people with heart problems. Treatment consists of medications, but there are also surgeries and procedures used to drain the fluid… Read more »

Is Bone Marrow Edema Painful? Understanding Bone Marrow Edema

bone health

Bone marrow is a spongy tissue located inside bones that is vital for the production of important constituents of the blood such as white and red blood cells. Microscopic fractures in the internal bone structure lead to bleeding and inflammation within the marrow. These abnormalities are called bone marrow edema or “bone bruising.” This swelling… Read more »

Long Term Correction in Sleep Disturbance is Sustained After Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair

arthroscopic rotator cuff repair

The muscles and tendons that surround and support the shoulder joint in order to reach overhead are called the rotator cuff. Injury to the rotator cuff leads to dull, persistent pain in the shoulder area as well as the neck and even down the arm towards the elbow. Sometimes the area experiences wear and tear… Read more »

Successful Return to Play After Arthroscopic Shoulder Stabilization VS Non-Operative Management in Contact Athletes With Anterior Shoulder Instability

Athletes that participate in contact sports are at a higher risk for conditions like anterior shoulder instability. With overuse or after an injury– such as a dislocated shoulder– the joint stretches and becomes unstable. When the joint capsule is stretched out, it stays that way. This means the shoulder remains unstable and can lead to… Read more »

Dr. Stacie Grossfeld Receives a Gag Calendar from Metro Specialty Surgery Center Colleagues

Dr. Stacie Grossfeld, of Orthopaedic Specialists in Louisville, KY, was given a very special gift from her colleagues at the Metro Specialty Surgery Center in Jeffersonville, Indiana – a gag calendar. Her colleagues went to great lengths to capture the personality of Dr. Grossfeld by secretly dressing up in her various outfits throughout 2017. Here… Read more »

Shoulder Pain? 10 Signs of a Shoulder Overuse Injury

As far as joints go, the shoulder is very closely fitted into its socket. Because of its close fit, the archway between bones and ligaments in the shoulder are prone to inflammation, especially if the shoulder is overused. In extreme cases, as a response to the inflammation the body may develop scar tissue or calcific… Read more »

Signs You May Have a Pinched Nerve

Nerves: What Are They? You have two kinds of nerves in your body: motor nerves and sensory nerves. Motor nerves send signals from the brain to the rest of your body. Say, for instance, your brain wants to to change the channel with the remote. Your motor nerves are the telephone line that tells your… Read more »