Posts Tagged: knee pain

How to Prevent Osteoarthritis

Over 30 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis (OA), or chronic joint damage. Due to long-term use, the rubbery cartilage that provides a buffer between bones wears down. Thus, bones at joints start to rub against each other, causing pain, inflammation and other symptoms. Osteoarthritis can happen all over the body and becomes increasingly degenerative with… Read more »

Patient of the Month Tina Johnson

tina johnson

Meet this month’s patient of the month Tina Johnson! Tina was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, but raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she attended the University of Wisconsin, Madison. “My mother is from Kentucky, so I came to Bowling Green every summer my whole life and always loved it. I decided to go to WKU for graduate… Read more »

4 Ways Triathletes Can Prevent Injuries

As multisport athletes, triathletes have the unique challenge of navigating potential injuries in three disciplines. Fortunately, there are some basic preventative measures that can mitigate the risk of these injuries. Here are 4 things triathletes can do to prevent injuries: Be Mindful Of Your Experience In Each Discipline Most triathletes get into the sport after… Read more »

Patient of the Month Rhonda Goodall

Rhonda Goodall

Meet this month’s patient of the month Rhonda Goodall! Born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, Rhonda studied interior design at Eastern Kentucky University. She got her start as an in house designer for First National Bank in 1976 and became one of the first female officers within the bank (back when the open office concept… Read more »

Dr. Stacie Grossfeld’s Most Recommended Supplements


There are many natural supplements that can help with inflammation, pain, heart health, and more. Here are Dr. Grossfield’s top three supplements. Turmeric Supplements Turmeric is a spice that is a member of the ginger family. Curry powder often contains turmeric. The active portion of turmeric is curcumin (Curcuma longa). Turmeric treats inflammation and has… Read more »

Patient of the Month Gerald Sebree

Gerald Sebree

Meet this month’s patient of the month Gerald Sebree! Gerald recently received treatment to help combat arthritis in both of his knees and as a result is no longer experiencing daily on going pain. “Coming to Dr. Grossfeld was the best thing I have ever done. I asked her about [various] treatment [options] and she… Read more »

5 Common Cycling Injuries

Cycling is a great activity for staying fit and exploring new places. Like any sport, there are some common injuries that can occur in cycling. Some of these injuries occur due to overuse, and some result from acute trauma. Here are 5 common cycling injuries: Knee Pain Knee pain can occur while cycling due to… Read more »

4 Things to Know About Recovering from an ACL Injury

ACL tear

If you have injured your ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), you may be wondering about the recovery process. How long will it take? What does it involve? Can you return to the activities you enjoy? How will your body be effected long-term? There are many factors that determine the answers to these questions for you. Here… Read more »

3 Things You Need to Know About Running Injuries

Running injury

Chronic injuries are incredibly common for runners. These injuries occur over time due to a complex web of factors. Here are 3 things you need to know about running injuries. 1. Common Injuries There are a multitude of injuries you can experience as a runner, but just a handful comprise the vast majority of all… Read more »

Repairing a Torn Meniscus: What to Expect

repairing a torn meniscus

A meniscus tear is one of the most common cartilage-related injuries of the knee, which causes a lot of pain and can hamper your ability to move considerably. The meniscus is a strip of cartilage that supports and stabilizes knee joints. It forms a soft barrier between the bones of the joint to reduce wear… Read more »