Posts Tagged: louisville orthopaedic

5 Common Cycling Injuries

Cycling is a great activity for staying fit and exploring new places. Like any sport, there are some common injuries that can occur in cycling. Some of these injuries occur due to overuse, and some result from acute trauma. Here are 5 common cycling injuries: Knee Pain Knee pain can occur while cycling due to… Read more »

Telehealth from an Orthopaedic Surgeon’s Point of View


10 Things We Have Learned While Providing Telehealth Appointments 1. Patients are so thankful that we are providing a way from them to have their orthopedic issues addressed. 2. We have been graciously invited into their homes via FaceTime or other conference platforms. 3. You can actually do a lot of an orthopedic exam without… Read more »

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About a Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)

Adhesive Capsulitis

It is not a shoulder that has frostbite… A frozen shoulder is also known as adhesive capsulitis. It is a condition that most commonly affects women (70 % of women vs 30% of men). Diabetics are also commonly affected. If you are a diabetic you have a 20-30% chance of developing a frozen shoulder. Diabetics… Read more »

5 Things to Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment From an Orthopedic Surgeon

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CT) is caused by median nerve compression in the wrist. It’s a painful, lingering injury that is very common. Some common symptoms from Carpal Tunnel are numbness and tingling involving the thumb and index finger, worsening numbness with wrist flexion, and shooting pain up the forearm. Fortunately, there are several ways to… Read more »

Patient of the Month: Anne Shelburne

anne shelburne

Meet our patient of the month Anne Shelburne! Anne and her husband, Tim, are both retired attorneys, who after meeting at the Brandeis School of Law, practiced law for 30 + years in Kentucky and North Carolina. Now the duo design, produce and sell decorative and functional art crafted from clay and wood out of… Read more »

4 Things to Know About Recovering from an ACL Injury

ACL tear

If you have injured your ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), you may be wondering about the recovery process. How long will it take? What does it involve? Can you return to the activities you enjoy? How will your body be effected long-term? There are many factors that determine the answers to these questions for you. Here… Read more »

3 Things You Need to Know About Running Injuries

Running injury

Chronic injuries are incredibly common for runners. These injuries occur over time due to a complex web of factors. Here are 3 things you need to know about running injuries. 1. Common Injuries There are a multitude of injuries you can experience as a runner, but just a handful comprise the vast majority of all… Read more »

Patient of the Month: Judy Morrison

Judy Morrison

Meet January’s patient of the month Judy Morrison! At 68, Judy enjoys the outdoors and being physically active. Originally from New Jersey, Judy moved to Louisville in 1980. She is a mom of two as well as an investment adviser. In May of 2019, Judy traveled with her daughter to hike the Camino de Santiago… Read more »

An Overview of Tommy John’s Surgery

tommy john's surgery

Athletes sustain injuries frequently, and some of these wounds can have life-long consequences. Many have to quit the field entirely because they suffered a career-ending injury. Fortunately, doctors and researchers work continuously to come up with effective treatments for such cases. Tommy John’s Surgery is a perfect example of this. Here’s a brief overview of… Read more »

6 Things You Should Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

what is carpal tunnel syndrome

  Approximately one in 20 people develop carpal tunnel syndrome at least once in their lifetime, and 3-6% of people in the US suffer from it. It’s a fairly common injury, especially in modern times, and this painful condition can worsen with time, which is why you need to get treatment as quickly as possible…. Read more »