Injection Options for Knee Osteoarthritis


Injection Options for Knee Osteoarthritis

Different injections therapy used to treat knee arthritis range from cortisone, hyaluronic acid to PRP (platelet rich plasma ) . The injections do not replace the damaged cartilage in the knee. However , the injections work well to control the symptoms of knee arthritis. Therefore, they reduce swelling, decrease stiffness, reduce giving way, improve range of motion and reduce pain.

To educate what an arthritis knee xray look like and the detail of bone on bone

A knee x-ray that shows advanced knee arthritis. The red circle shows the bone on bone area on the x-ray where the advanced osteoarthritis is located.

Cortisone Injections

Cortisone is a short acting injectable anti inflammatory medication. Because of this, cortisone  typically reduces systems of knee arthritis up to and sometime beyond three months. The medication is giving via an injection in the office. Above all, it is a very simple and almost painless procedure . Therefore getting a cortisone injection in the knee feels like a flu shot. First of all, the provider easily identifies the knee joint and the injection is preformed. Because the knee joint is very superficial it is easy to inject. A provider that is familiar with knee injections doesn’t need ultrasound guidance to accurately inject a knee joint. Cortisone typically takes 2-5 days to start reducing symptoms.

An image of different bottles of cortisone used for injection

Cortisone is an injectable to treat arthritic knees.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Hyaluronic Acid also know as the chicken injection or the chicken fat injection. My practice uses Gel one when insurance covers. The single shot injection only requires on office visit. It. Sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronan) is the active ingredient . Hyaluronan comes GelOne® comes from chicken combs and is highly purified. is  a natural substance in the human body and is present in very high amounts in healthy joints that do not have arthritis . This injection will typically  last 6 months to a year. Medicare covers 80% of the cost and the secondary insurance typically picks up the remaining 20%.

An image of a syringe with Gel one an injection that is used to help reduce the symptoms of knee arthritis . The photo is for education purposes

Gel-one is hyaluronic acid that is an injection used to reduce the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis


PRP Injections

PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma treats the symptoms of knee arthritis. It is experimental per some insurance carriers. Tricare , which is for active duty military personal will cover the cost. Most other carriers will not cover the cost. We use the patient’s own blood for the procedure . A centrifuge separates out the platelet rich plasma from the other blood components . After that, we inject the PRP into the knee joint. The whole process takes about 30 minutes. The PRP helps to reduce the inflammation in the arthritic knee joint . Therefore,  the patient has less symptoms .