Five Signs You Have Torn Your Meniscus

1. Sharp, stabbing pain located in your knee joint.
2. It is easy to localize the pain in the knee and it is consistently in the same place.
3. No pain occurs when resting. Pain occurs with a plant and a twist, lateral motion or flexion of the knee.
4. Slight swelling is present and the knee can feel tight with a slight limit of motion.
5. Clicking, locking of the knee and popping may occur.

Girl Bosses

Attended a great meeting this morning on girl bosses at the Kentucky Derby Museum with my two amazing hard working and motivated #girlbosses! An amazing panel of women: Tonya Abeln, Raeshanda Johnson, Iris Wilbur and Elizabeth McCall.

My favorite quote of the morning was from Raeshanda, “If somebody closes a door, I go back and buy the building.” Tonya is the director of Community Relations at Churchill Downs. Raeshanda owns and runs her own fashion house: All is Fair in Love and Fashion. Iris is the Director of Government Affairs and Public Policy at Louisville Inc. Elizabeth’s an Assistant Master Distiller at Woodford Reserve. Amazing women!!!

Five Ways to Prevent Tennis Elbow as a Tennis Player

1. Purchase a racket that is flexible. Stiff, high power level rackets will transmit the force the ball produces when it strikes the racket up to the elbow area, irritating the common extensor tendon.
2. Use strings that are poly filament. A monofilament string tends to increase the force on the players elbow.
3. Have your tennis pro string your racket about 2 to 3 pounds lower than normal.
4. Over wrap the grip on your racket by one or two layers. A smaller grip encourages and transmits more tension on the common extensor tendon when holding the racket.
5. Take a lesson from your friendly tennis pro. How many times have you watched a major tennis tournament on television or live and saw one of the pro players wearing a tennis elbow band. You don’t. Because they have perfect technique. Hitting the ball late can contribute to tennis elbow.

What to Do if You Have Anterior (front side) Knee Pain When Cycling

1. Raise your seat slightly by half an inch.
2. Lower your gear so you are pushing an easier gear with higher cadence.
3. Focus on using your hamstrings not just your quads.  During your pedal stroke pull back instead of just pushing down.
4. Check your clip-less pedals to make sure they are in a neutral position and not too internally or externally rotated.
5. Consider clip-less pedals that allow for some float. This gives some movement with internal and external rotation.
6. Wear shoes with stiff sole.
7. Consider a bike fit if the above fails. If in Louisville, Kentucky, Curtis Tolson is a certified bike fitter.

Five Signs that You Have Traumatic Rotator Cuff Tear 

1. A pop occurs with the use of the shoulder.
2. After the pop is felt or heard, you are unable to fully lift your shoulder.
3. Night pain that makes it difficult to fall asleep.
4. Pain that is located over the outer side of the shoulder. 
5. Activities such as putting your arm behind tour back are difficult and painful.


Bilateral Distal Radius Fractures

This is not a good result after a successful dunk of the basketball. Good news is that they were non displaced and short arm casts were applied. What has been your worst broken bone experience?

Image may contain: 1 person, eyeglasses


Gout vs. Pseudogout Comparison

1. Gout is the deposition of uric acid crystals.
2. Pseudo gout is the deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals.
3. Both conditions produce sharp crystals which are extremely painful. Think of it as throwing a bunch of broken glass into your joint. That’s what happens with gout and pseudogout.
4. Gout may occur with a diet that is rich in meat while Pseudogout has no precipitating factors.
5. Gout is treated with a medication called colchicine for acute events and a medication called allopurinol for long-term preventive treatment. Pseudogout is typically treated with a steroid acutely and there is no long-term prevention medication treatment recommended.


Why is it bad to smoke when you have a broken or fractured bone?

Nicotine is very toxic to your body. Cigarettes can have up to 3,500 different toxins in addition to nicotine.

Nicotine  causes vasoconstriction. The “vaso” is Latin for blood vessel and “constriction” means to get smaller. When you are using nicotine or are even around other people that are smoking and have third hand smoke on your clothes that can cause your blood vessels to undergo vasoconstriction. The result is less blood being delivered to the area where the fracture has occurred. The blood flow is very important to help heal the fracture.

Vaping is just as bad as smoking if you are vaping with a product that has nicotine.

Studies have shown that if you are consuming nicotine you can increase the time to heal the fracture by double and sometimes a fracture will just not heal. In that case, you will need to undergo surgery to get the broken bone to heal. Most surgeons will require you to stop smoking before they would undergo surgery to help heal a bone that has not healed because of nicotine intake.

An ACL Injury

What you need to know after the injury has occurred:

1. 81% of individuals of all ages return back to sports after ACL reconstruction.
2. 65% will return to the same level of play.
3. Psychosocial factors may play a role in determining who returns back to sports.
4. There is as much as a 40% chance you will tear your ACL in your other knee (the contralateral side).
5. There is an 85% chance within 5 to 10 years of tearing your ACL that you will start experiencing signs of early osteoarthritis in the same knee.
6. There is no difference in the amount of arthritis in a knee with a torn ACL whether the knee underwent ACL surgery or the patient elected not to have an ACL reconstruction.
7. There is an increased risk of further injury to the same knee. Up to 19% of the time a second knee surgery is needed in the knee that had an ACL injury.
8. Up to 8% of the patients undergoing an ACL reconstruction will re-tear their graft. Risk factors for graft failure include younger age, female gender, higher activity level and the use of a cadaver graft to reconstruct the ligament.
9. Patients with a history of an ACL injury have a higher incidence of undergoing knee replacement surgery in the future (up to seven times more than age matched cohorts).