Posts Categorized: Knee Injuries and Knee Surgery

Knee Injuries from Soccer not Uncommon among Female Players – Learn more from Louisville Orthopedic

Knee injuries are not uncommon among female soccer players. If you are a female soccer player, it is helpful to learn about strategies to prevent common knee injuries. Researchers Orr, Brown, Hemsing and colleagues (2011) surveyed female soccer players between 13 and 18 years of age, parents and their coaches, to understand perceptions regarding knee… Read more »

Jumper’s Knee or Patellar Tendinopathy – Best Jumpers at Increased Risk

Research by Visnes and colleagues (2012) published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine finds that volleyball players with best ability to jump are at an increased risk of jumper’s knee. When a volleyball player jumps over and over again, it can cause tendonitis in the patella or patellar tendonitis, also known as “jumper’s knee”… Read more »

What is Osteochondritis Dissecans? More info from Louisville Orthopedic Surgeon

When cartilage becomes disconnected from the bone, people may experience a condition called osteochondritis dissecans. This joint condition most typically happens in the knees but it can also affect other bodily joints like the elbows. While more common in men, people of all ages may experience osteochondritis dissecans. Some people do not experience any symptoms… Read more »

NFL Football Injuries – Does Field Surface Make a Difference? From Louisville Sports Medicine

Researchers have explored whether there is an injury rate difference in NFL players depending on the surface they play on: grass versus Field Turf.  Dr. Hershman  and colleagues studied the injury rates in the NFL for the 2000 through 2009 seasons and found that Field Turf resulted in a higher incidence of sprains of the… Read more »

Orthopaedic Specialists in Louisville Kentucky is on YouTube at LouisvilleBones

Louisville orthopedic surgeon Dr. Stacie Grossfeld now has a YouTube channel for her medical practice Orthopaedic Specialists.  Check out to see a video featuring slides from Dr. Grossfeld’s recent talk at the University of Louisville to the Department of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. The lecture, titled: “Differential Diagnosis for Knee and Shoulder Injuries: How to Patient Profile,”… Read more »

7 Common Questions and Answers About Knee Injuries from Louisville Orthopedic Surgeon

1. What are the two most common sports-related knee injuries that require surgery?  The two most common knee injuries that occur following a sports injury that require surgery are a meniscal tear and an acl tear. 2. What are the main causes of the ACL injury? There is much scientific debate over the cause of… Read more »