Knee Injuries from Soccer not Uncommon among Female Players – Learn more from Louisville Orthopedic

Knee injuries are not uncommon among female soccer players. If you are a female soccer player, it is helpful to learn about strategies to prevent common knee injuries.

Researchers Orr, Brown, Hemsing and colleagues (2011) surveyed female soccer players between 13 and 18 years of age, parents and their coaches, to understand perceptions regarding knee injuries among soccer players.  Compared to the female soccer players, coaches and parents were  more likely to look at knee injuries as something that could be prevented yet many did not identify prevention strategies. 

While the majority of respondents knew about the risk of knee injuries related to soccer, 64% reported that they hadn’t been given any information about knee injuries.  The research underscores the importance of educating players, parents and coaches about the risk of knee injuries and soccer along with prevention strategies.  To learn more about this interesting research, see:;jsessionid=9D760F8AA9ED79DC1FA4408F1BE290E1.d04t02?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false


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