Knee replacement surgeries are common; in fact, over 800,000 are performed in the United States each year. What’s more, they’re usually extremely successful in the long-term; after 15 years, over 90% of replacement knees are still functioning. Knee replacement surgery can provide a significant reduction in pain and increase mobility for those suffering from arthritis… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Knee Injuries and Knee Surgery
Common Injuries in the Winter Olympics
As the 2022 Winter Olympic Games skate towards its finish, there’s a lot of anticipation around which country will take home the most medals. Right now, Norway and Germany are in the lead with 13 and 10 gold medals, respectively, while the United States trails with a formidable 8. While there’s plenty of good reason… Read more »
An Overview of Knee Bursitis: What It Is, What Causes It and How To Treat It
Knee bursitis happens when a bursa in your knee joint becomes inflamed. A bursa is a small slippery sac filled with fluid which helps to cut down on the friction that exists at your joints between your bones, muscles, and tendons. You have many bursae throughout your body, including 11 in your knee. Many different… Read more »
Preventing Cross Country Running Injuries
One of the most popular after-school sports in the fall is competitive, long-distance running, known as cross country. Cross country is highly accessible and draws interest from students of all ages and ability levels. Despite the fact that many running-related injuries are very preventable, the rate of injury remains quite high for cross country runners…. Read more »
5 Most Common Knee Injuries
Millions of Americans suffer from knee pain and knee injuries each year, and it’s no wonder why. The knee is our largest joint, placed between the two longest bones in the body. As it bends, your entire body weight is transferred onto it. Whether you’re standing still or running a marathon, there’s a constant pressure… Read more »
Three Common Knee Injuries
Knee Injuries You’re planting your leg to make a quick turn and- pop! You hear a popping sound from your knee. This is an all too familiar of a situation for many people. There are three common injuries that cause a pop in the knee. These are an ACL tear, a meniscal tear, and a… Read more »
ACL Treated with Hamstring Graft
An ACL Tear Treated with a Hamstring Graft ACL tear needs to be reconstructed in most patients . People that are active in twisting and turning activities need an ACL–conditions/anterior-cruciate-ligament-acl-injuriesWe cannot suture the torn ACL back together. Therefore, the ACL must be reconstructed. I recommend the hamstring graft. ACL tears reconstructed with a hamstring… Read more »
Preventing Overuse Injuries
Overuse injuries. They can stop you in your tracks and prevent you from moving your body the way you want to. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to mitigate your chances of developing an overuse injury. Read along to find out some general rules you can follow to stay healthy. Gradual Increases… Read more »
Injury Heat Versus Ice? What is the Best One to Use?
What is the Best Way to Treat an Injury or Joint Pain: Heat Versus Ice? What is the best way to treat and injury or joint pain: heat versus ice? Ice versus heat is a common question I get asked as an orthopaedic surgeon on a a regular basis injuries that produce swelling are best… Read more »
Why Does My Knee Hurt?
Why Does My Knee Hurt? Why does my knee hurt? This is a common question I get asked as an orthopedic surgeon For instance, common causes of knee pain are osteoarthritis, cartilage tears or ligament injury. Knee pain can start after an injury . In addition, it can also start after overuse. Knee pain… Read more »
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