Posts Tagged: orthopedic louisville

Patient of the Month: Anne Shelburne

anne shelburne

Meet our patient of the month Anne Shelburne! Anne and her husband, Tim, are both retired attorneys, who after meeting at the Brandeis School of Law, practiced law for 30 + years in Kentucky and North Carolina. Now the duo design, produce and sell decorative and functional art crafted from clay and wood out of… Read more »

3 Things You Need to Know About Running Injuries

Running injury

Chronic injuries are incredibly common for runners. These injuries occur over time due to a complex web of factors. Here are 3 things you need to know about running injuries. 1. Common Injuries There are a multitude of injuries you can experience as a runner, but just a handful comprise the vast majority of all… Read more »

Patient of the Month: Judy Morrison

Judy Morrison

Meet January’s patient of the month Judy Morrison! At 68, Judy enjoys the outdoors and being physically active. Originally from New Jersey, Judy moved to Louisville in 1980. She is a mom of two as well as an investment adviser. In May of 2019, Judy traveled with her daughter to hike the Camino de Santiago… Read more »

An Overview of Tommy John’s Surgery

tommy john's surgery

Athletes sustain injuries frequently, and some of these wounds can have life-long consequences. Many have to quit the field entirely because they suffered a career-ending injury. Fortunately, doctors and researchers work continuously to come up with effective treatments for such cases. Tommy John’s Surgery is a perfect example of this. Here’s a brief overview of… Read more »

6 Things You Should Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

what is carpal tunnel syndrome

  Approximately one in 20 people develop carpal tunnel syndrome at least once in their lifetime, and 3-6% of people in the US suffer from it. It’s a fairly common injury, especially in modern times, and this painful condition can worsen with time, which is why you need to get treatment as quickly as possible…. Read more »

Answers to 5 Common Questions about Rotator Cuff Tears

rotator cuff tear

Shoulder injuries are very common, especially among active individuals. These injuries are often a result of excessive strain or a sprain caused by activities like softball, swimming, tennis, baseball, golf, or weight training. People also develop problems because of rotator cuff degeneration, which manifests over time and is a symptom of age. One of the… Read more »

Common Foot Injuries You Might Not Know About

common foot injuries

Feet are some of the most resilient parts of our body. They can handle a lot of abuse but remain strong enough to support the entire body weight. Unfortunately, they are also the most neglected parts of the body. Most people ignore things like persistent soreness, random spikes of pain, and other such issues. Here’s… Read more »

Preventing & Treating Head Injuries In Student Athletes

head injuries in student athletes

Young athletes experience sports injuries, especially head injuries, at an alarming rate. Most of these go unreported and untreated, which can lead to serious medical complications down the line. Student-athletes are enthusiastic, reckless, and they tend to dismiss any pain to remain on the field. That’s why parents, teachers, and coaches need to be vigilant…. Read more »

Repairing a Torn Meniscus: What to Expect

repairing a torn meniscus

A meniscus tear is one of the most common cartilage-related injuries of the knee, which causes a lot of pain and can hamper your ability to move considerably. The meniscus is a strip of cartilage that supports and stabilizes knee joints. It forms a soft barrier between the bones of the joint to reduce wear… Read more »

Common Causes of Back Pain

causes of back pain

Back injuries are painful and can definitely impact your quality of life. There are several ways to injure your back. You can have a herniated disc, a compressed nerve, strained muscle, sprained ligaments, fractured vertebrae, etc. All of these injuries require medical treatment and extensive therapy. Many people aren’t able to regain their full range… Read more »