During pregnancy, a lot of different things happen to women’s bodies that don’t occur at any other time in their life and that men will never experience. One occurrence is that the pelvic bone alignment tends to become relaxed, and even stretchy, due to a hormone called Relaxin. A woman’s body releases this hormone so… Read more »
Posts Tagged: orthopaedic specialists
Sacroiliac Joint Disease: 5 Things You Should Know
Sacroiliac Joint Disease is a serious case of inflammation that affects the sacroiliac joint. In the past, the sacroiliac joint has been thought to be the cause of lower back and leg pain; however in the past three decades, that pain is now associated with herniated disks. Estimates suggest that sacroiliac (SI) joint pain affects… Read more »
Top 9 Things to Know About ACL Injuries
Anterior Cruciate Ligament, often referred to as ACL injuries, are the most common knee injuries athletes suffer. While an extremely active individual could possibly suffer this type of injury, an ACL tear is most common in athletes. This is because of the stop and start movements associated with sports such as football, basketball, hockey and more…. Read more »
Exciting Things Happening at YMCA Norton Commons
YMCA Norton Commons A Popular Fitness Spot This December, it’s predicted that the Norton Commons YMCA, located at 11000 Brownsboro Rd, Prospect, KY 40059, will have 500,000 member check-ins for the calendar year. This equates to 1.52 visits every minute. With 11,000 total members, representing 4,000 households, that’s A LOT of people using the YMCA Norton Commons…. Read more »
Dr. Grossfeld Attends YMCA Mayor’s Community Thanksgiving Breakfast
On the 22nd of November, YMCA of Greater Louisville Chairman, Brad Smith, and Mayor Greg Fisher held a community Thanksgiving breakfast. Dr. Grossfeld attended the event at the Galt House Hotel to learn more about the growth of the Louisville community. The event included a delicious buffet and a performance by America’s Got Talent finalists – Linkin’ Bridge. At The… Read more »
Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty in Patients Older Than 80 Years
We are grower older as a nation at a rapid rate. In fact, the fastest growing age group in the US includes people 65 years old and older. Between 2000 to 2010 the growth rate for this segment of the population was 15.1% while the rest of the population grew at a rate of 9.7%. Among… Read more »
Sports Injury FAQs
Sports injuries, such as concussions and injured Anterior Cruciate Ligaments (ACLs), are common occurrences across a wide variety of sports. While both injuries are well known, Sport Injury FAQs are helpful in learning about cause, prevention, and treatment among athletes. One very common topic of sport injury FAQs are concussions. They are very common injuries in sports… Read more »
10 Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that causes numbness, tingling, weakness, and other discomforts in your hands and fingers. A pinched median nerve in your wrist causes these discomforts. The median nerve, along with other related tendons, travels from your forearm to your hand inside a small space called the carpal tunnel. This nerve… Read more »
Dr. Grossfeld Attends Bingham Fellows Program Class of 2016 Graduation
Dr. Grossfeld was privileged enough to be invited to the Bingham Fellows Program Class of 2016 graduation at Actor’s Theater in the Victor Jory Theatre. Dr. Grossfeld serves on the Board of both the Louisville Sports Commission and the YMCA at Norton Commons, and the CEO and President of both organizations were a part of the 2016 graduating… Read more »
Dr. Grossfeld Picked for Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Metro Specialty Surgery Center in Louisville, Kentucky is having a pumpkin decorating contest and guess who’s face they chose to decorate as a pumpkin? Dr. Grossfeld! The Details to Making Dr. Grossfeld The nurses decided that they wanted to decorate a pumpkin that looks like one of the doctors. They felt that Dr.Grossfeld’s wardrobe, jewelry… Read more »
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