The pandemic has changed the way we live, work, and play. Because of this, there are a multitude of emerging injuries due to changes in how we move and position our bodies. Let’s take a look at some of the most common non-coronavirus related pandemic injuries.
Injuries Working from Home
Many workers have found themselves working from home due to the pandemic. Our homes may not be the best setups for office work, and this can lead to several different injuries. Makeshift home workspaces have replaced office setups. This can mean less supportive chairs, weird table heights, and more. Unsurprisingly, back pain, neck pain, and other musculoskeletal injuries are on the rise.
For many people, un-ergonomic setups have led to overuse injuries as the pandemic stretches on. If your chair or table is an improper height, you may be looking up or down too much to view a computer screen or positioning your arms awkwardly while you write, type, or create.
Additionally, you might find yourself moving around less during the day than you did at the office. This means longer stretches of time in the same position, which can be devastating if it’s a harmful one.
To avoid issues, try your best to create an ergonomic setup. Avoid leaning over or hunching and try to have a table height that matches where your elbows fall. Try to use an office chair if you are sitting too. Also, try to work in some movement throughout the day to break up long bouts of being stationary.
Exercising Too Much, Too Fast
Being cooped up inside has led to an increase in people trying new (or long-forgotten) activities. While this can be a healthy decision, doing too much too quickly can easily lead to overuse injuries. Many people have experienced injuries from doing just that during the pandemic. As a general rule of thumb, always ease yourself into a new activity and gradually build up your intensity and time. Your body takes a long time to get used to the strain of a new activity. Too much new exercise too quickly can cause undue musculoskeletal stress. You should also focus on proper form early on- developing good form from the start can help you avoid overuse injuries.
Trauma Injuries on the Rise
There have also been more of certain exercise-related trauma injuries during the pandemic. For example, with fall sports starting up in many places, injuries are more common than usual. Some of this is linked to higher rates of sedentary behavior throughout the pandemic. Starting back up with exercise all at once puts our bodies at risk.
Some are overuse injuries as alluded to before. Others, though, are trauma injuries like ankle sprains, torn ligaments, and fractures. This has some link to the same sedentary patterns: our bodies are less durable if we are not continuously performing an activity. Going back into a sport that involves quick movements, for example, can lead to a higher risk of ankle-related injuries. Muscles and tendons are not as developed, leading to less stability. With less stability comes that risk of injury.
You should seek diagnosis and treatment from a qualified medical professional like Dr. Stacie Grossfeld if you are injured and want to get back to the activities you love. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Grossfeld, call Orthopaedic Specialists at 502-212-2663 today.
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