Can you have a fracture or broken bone that doesn’t show up on an X-ray?

Yep! While X-rays are excellent at showing bones, they are bad at showing anything else.

An MRI can show not only the bone but bleeding, swelling and fluid within the bone. The detail is amazing. Imaged below to the left is a MRI view of a knee joint. The red circle reveals a stress reaction or pre-stress fracture of a tibia. You can clearly see the white area which represents bleeding or fluid within the tibial bone. 

This next image is an x-ray of the same knee. Nowhere on the image can you see the stress reaction or pre-stress fracture. The yellow circle represents the area where the stress reaction is located and is identified by the corresponding MRI scan.

When people come to the office with pain in the region of the bone and the plain x-rays are normal, our next imaging study ordered is a MRI. Very rarely will I ever see a patient with a stress fracture that is present on a plain x-ray.

ACL Reconstruction

When you tear your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), and undergo surgery, you cannot “repair” the ligament tear. You have to reconstruct the ligament. Reconstruction means you have to take some other ligament or tendon in the patient’s body and turn it into an ACL.

There are many options. I commonly use two of the hamstring tendons that attach near the knee joint.
The hamstring tendons will reform as a scar tissue type tendon, hamstring strength returns back to normal, and the neuro function to the hamstring tendons returns back to normal within one year. So as surgeons we steal from Peter to feed Paul, but eventually we get back to Peter, so to speak…

Pictured below are the hamstrings after I have harvested them from the patient. The second image reveals the new ACL that I I have constructed in the operating room. After the surgery the athlete will be back to their game within five months.



What is the difference between osteoarthritis and osteoporosis?

This is a commonly asked question and tends to be confusing to many of my patients.

Osteoarthritis is the breakdown of the cartilage that covers the ends of each long bone. Think of each long bone in your body as having a hat over each end. The hat is the cartilage. As the hat material wears out, the end of the bone becomes exposed. Osteoarthritis is the process where the cartilage is wearing down, similar to the hat material. Eventually the bone becomes exposed and that is extremely painful.

Osteoporosis is a condition where your bones become thin. It has nothing to do with cartilage. It has everything to do with the fact that your bone goes from being a very strong structure to a very thin fragile structure. That occurs in women as we lose estrogen and in men as testosterone levels go down as they age. In women, this can typically occur after age 60 and in men typically after age 75.

Osteoporosis is a silent condition because it doesn’t cause any pain until the bone become so fragile it breaks. Osteoarthritis is a process that occurs over time and typically there is pain associated with the joint where osteoarthritis is occurring. There are cases where people will have the arthritic process occurring for years and be completely asymptomatic until they reach the end stage where there is no cartilage left in the joint.

10 Ways To Prevent Running Injuries From Dr. Stacie Grossfeld

While every runner will likely experience an injury at some point, it’s still beneficial to do everything you can to prevent them from happening in the first place. What better way to do your due diligence than to take the doctor’s advice?

Here are 10 Ways To Prevent Running Injuries from Dr. Stacie Grossfeld herself:

1. Do not increase your mileage more than 10 percent per week.

Gradually preparing your body to take on more will allow it to handle the stress more evenly on your joints as well as build endurance.

2. Warm up to warm up. Do a light run or some type of exercise until you have a light sweat, then stretch. Stretching cold muscles is a bad idea.

Warming up before you stretch helps increase the blood flow to your muscles, making them more flexible and mobile.

3. Replace your shoes before they are worn out.

Running on shoes that are past their prime means you’re likely missing out on shock absorption, cushioning and stability. All of these characteristics are valuable because they help to reduce the amount of stress and impact on your joints.

4. Try to change up running surfaces to change the load and force on your legs.

Each surface you run on poses a unique challenge to your muscles, by it up you reduce the chance of an overuse injury and increase your ability to tackle new terrains.

5. Cross train on your days off.

Routinely engaging in another sport or activity can help your body’s joints recover and allow you to strengthen other areas in need.

6. Track your mileage, surface and workout type to review in case an injury occurs.

Keeping tally of how long you run for and whether these runs tend to be on hard or soft surfaces will allow you to better pinpoint the cause of any future injury.

7. Listen to your body. You may have a training plan but your body might need a modification.

While it’s good to set goals and challenge yourself, don’t be afraid to listen to your body and make changes to your training plan that will keep you from injuring yourself.

8. Do not let injuries linger if they are not improving.

If you are struggling with a running injury, make sure you seek the right medical attention and treatment plan for you. Ignoring injuries or running through them can sometimes increase the magnitude of the problem.

9. Stay hydrated.

Drinking enough water is essential to preventing heat exhaustion and dehydration; illnesses that can leave you feeling fuzzy and put you in serious harms way.

10. Seek the advice of professionals if you are new to the sport.

If you’re interested in becoming an avid runner, ask those whose are experts in the field for training tips. Why not start off on the right foot?

To get more information on injury prevention and learn about innovative treatment options, continue reading our blog. Dr. Stacie Grossfeld is a trained orthopedic surgeon who is double board-certified in orthopedic surgery and sports medicine. To make an appointment with the Orthopaedic Specialists, call us at 502-212-2663 or use the contact form online.

Understanding & Treating A Torn ACL

Our ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is the major ligament in our knee that provides stability. It helps keep our knee together and controls the back and forth motion of the knee. A torn ACL is common among young athletes who repeatedly twist, turn, and participate in stop and go movements associated with soccer, football, basketball and hockey. The ACL can be torn as a result of any of these activities including taking a hard hit from the side, resulting in the knee joint to become over extended. 

This is what it looks like inside of the knee.The image with the red arrows reveals a normal ACL while the image with the green and blue dotted lines and arrow show a torn, blown out ACL.

Tearing your ACL not only makes your knee unstable, it can also mean another part of the knee is injured as well. An ACL injury is most often signaled by a popping noise, severe and constant pain, as well as some loss of motion.

A physical examination is needed to diagnose such an injury, though an X-ray or MRI may also provide a clearer picture. In order to repair the ligament, surgery is required. The only way to mend a torn ligament is to reconstruct it. Most orthopaedic surgeons do this by using a tissue graft as scaffolding for a new ligament to grow on. Part of the hamstring tendon or the central part of the patellar tendon are often used as an autograft in these cases.

Because regrowing a ligament takes time, it is generally a 6 month recovery period before one can resume their normal activities. Older, inactive patients may not require surgery and simple methods such as bracing, physical therapy, as well as icing and elevation can help reduce the swelling and pain.

While an ACL surgery requires a long road of recovery and rehabilitation, it is worth the process in order to regain the full function of your knee. If not treated properly, chronic pain, arthritis and the limited use of your knee can hinder your lifestyle. 

If you have sustained an ACL injury, or you have any questions about ACL injuries and the reconstruction surgery, call Dr. Grossfeld’s office at 502-212-2663 for more information. 

Centre College’s Student Intern Sean Gilpatrick

We recently had the pleasure of having Sean Gilpatrick as our Student Intern from Centre College! As an intern, Sean was able to shadow Dr. Stacie Grossfeld during her regular office hours as well as in surgery. 

“I gained valuable knowledge on diagnosing patients and treatments for certain injuries. Watching Dr. Grossfeld’s surgeries gave me a better understanding of the human body. I was even able to talk to some anesthesiologists about the process of preparing the patient for surgery and got the opportunity to watch surgeries like Rotator Cuff repairs, an Achilles repair, one treating Carpal Tunnel syndrome, an ACL repair, and many more. It was a very enjoyable experience that gave me valuable knowledge to help further my pursuits in becoming a physician.”

As always, we enjoy working with both medical residents and interns. It’s encouraging to see more and more college students choosing a career path in health and science, and we are glad to mentor them in anyway possible! To learn more about how you can participate in an Internship with Dr. Stacie Grossfeld or the many other programs available to medical students, just visit our website or call our office at 502-212-2663!

The Orthopaedic Specialists’ Employee of the Quarter!

Introducing our First Employee of the Quarter, Heather Hardiman!

A completely employee voted on award, each Employee of the Quarter receives a special bonus. Here are just a few of the reasons why the staff at Orthopaedic Specialists nominated Heather to win this quarter:

  • She is diligent and efficient in her job.
  • She is sensitive to patients and coworkers.
  • You rarely hear her speak negatively about her coworkers.
  • She always stays on task.
  • She does her best at everything she is asked to do.
  • She is usually here early and stays late.
  • She takes pride in her work.
  • She is always willing to help.
  • She goes the extra mile for patients.
  • She never complains.

From everyone on the team, we thank you for all your hard work Heather and hope you know what a pleasure it is to work with you! (:

How Stretching Helps Injury Prevention

injury preventionAnyone who considers themselves an athlete is aware of the importance of stretching. There are numerous benefits to stretching and you should stretch before and after a workout to prevent injuries. Whether you are a runner, someone who loves lifting weights, or on a competitive sports league, you must stretch your muscles. While injury prevention is a top reason to stretch, stretching also helps to increase flexibility, improve posture, reduce aches, and much more.

Stretching helps with injury prevention by warming up the muscles. Movement is easier when your muscles are warm and stretched. When you prepare your muscles for exercise, your risk of injury significantly decreases. However, to properly stretch, you must know the correct technique and target each muscle individually. Learn more about how stretching can help with injury prevention and what stretches should be done to target specific areas of the body before you start your next workout.

Stretches That Are Important for Injury Prevention

Leg Stretches

Stretching your legs is important if you’re preparing to do any kind of cardio or court sport. While Runner’s Knee and Achilles tendinitis top the list of common running injuries, hamstring issues are third on the list and preventable with stretching. Some great stretches to warm up your hamstrings are standing toe touches and knee-to-chest stretches. Butterfly stretches will protect your groin from injury and standing soleus’ will help prevent Achilles tendon tears. This is especially important for anyone over the age of 35 as Achilles tears are more common after that age. Shin splints are also in the top ten on the list of common running injuries, so shin stretches are also important for injury prevention.

Arm Stretches

Having warmed up arms is just as important as having warmed up legs in regards to injury prevention. This is especially true when it comes to court sport athletes and weightlifters. Your arms are built of so many muscles including your triceps, biceps, and brachioradialis. it is important to stretch them all to prevent injury from occurring. The overhead tricep stretch and standing bicep stretch may bring back memories of gym class, but they are tried and true stretches that are effective. Alternating wrist pulls where you pull your hand towards your body will stretch your brachioradialis and leave your arms ready to work.

Shoulder Stretches

You may not think that your shoulders are being strained during exercise if you’re not playing tennis, squash, or another racket sport. However, it’s important to remember your shoulders are more than just a joint. They work with the neck, ribs, and scapula to create a complex area of the body that needs stretching. Arm circles are a great shoulder stretch that is easy to perform anywhere. The cow-face pose is another stretch you may remember from gym class.  When you stretch both of your arms, like you do in this stretch, you’re not only stretching muscles but increasing flexibility, too. 

When stretching for injury prevention, it is important to remember the proper technique. Stretching may seem like the warm-up, but it’s not. You need to increase your heart rate and raise your body temperature to effectively stretch. Additionally, you should hold each stretch for 30 seconds. That is the proven amount of time it takes to lengthen tissue safely and effectively. If your stretching starts to hurt, you’re pushing yourself too far. Relax, take some deep breaths, and pull back on the intensity of the stretch before continuing.

By incorporating stretching into your day-to-day routine, you’re practicing injury prevention. An injury like a torn Achilles tendon or torn ACL can devastate an athlete’s future in sports. Therefore it is crucial to remember the important of stretching and practice it diligently.

Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The carpal tunnel is located in our wrist and contains a nerve as well as several tendons used to flex our fingers and thumb. When the tunnel’s nerve gets compressed or pinched, this is known as carpal tunnel syndrome.

A constant ache, weakness in the hand or wrist, as well as numbness, tingling, swelling or stiffness are warning signs of carpal tunnel syndrome. While many health conditions such as arthritis, diabetes or pregnancy can be at the root of the cause, often carpal tunnel syndrome is brought about by overuse.

Repetitive movements from one’s job and or lifestyle can result in the nerve in the wrist to be compressed. Tasks ranging from a desk job, to playing musical instruments or racquet sports can be at fault if they mean the wrist is being kept in the same position for too long throughout the day.

While carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition brought on slowly overtime, the pain can be disruptive and long lasting. However, if treated early and effectively, it is not a permanent condition.

At Home Treatment Options

  • Wearing a wrist brace or splint can offer relief to those with mild or moderate carpal tunnel syndrome. Wearing it while sleeping helps keep the wrist from bending and can reduce symptoms that interfere with sleep.
  • Flexing the hand and wrist in warm water routinely is known to lessen the pain and improve blood flow.
  • Elevation helps drain excess fluid that may be built up around the nerve, especially in cases of pregnancy.
  • Ice and anti-inflammatory medicine will reduce inflammation near the nerve.

Preventative Measures

In addition to at home treatment options, often lifestyle changes are required to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from reoccurring.

Resting your hands and wrists from the activities that cause the symptoms to flare up is key. Whether it be taking breaks from typing, holding your phone, or participating in strenuous sports, not overusing your wrists and hands is best when it comes to being proactive.

If you suspect your job to be the main culprit, consider arranging your work space to better support your wrist and ensure it remains in a neutral position.  

Additionally, try to be conscious of your grip when holding things. A relaxed grip is better for staving off carpal tunnel syndrome than one that is tight.

Consulting with Your Doctor

If at home treatment methods and preventative measures aren’t doing the trick, it’s time to consult with an orthopaedic doctor. Physical therapy can provide you with stretches and exercises that will help strengthen the hand and wrist muscles, as well as relieve pain.

Cortisone or steroid injections can offer temporary relief as well. In the most severe cases where extensive nerve damage is present, surgery may be required in order to remove pressure from the nerve. While surgery is never a first choice, carpal tunnel surgery often results in permanent relief.

To learn more about the treatment options best suited for you, contact Dr. Stacie Grossfeld. Dr. Grossfeld has over 25 years of experience in orthopedic medicine and is a double board-certified orthopedic surgeon. If your carpal tunnel symptoms persist,  make an appointment with the Orthopaedic Specialists today by calling 502-212-2663.

6 Exercises to Increase Bone Health

While most people don’t consider bone health to be a core reason to work out, the fact is our bones play a large role in our ability to live an active and independent lifestyle, and exercising them can be vastly beneficial when it comes to maintaining their strength. 

Whats more, research has shown that by age 30 we stop creating more bones than we lose, and start to lose more bones than we create. While building bone mass before this critical age is imperative in preventing bone diseases like osteoporosis, exercises that are bone focused can also be effective in treating bone loss in older age.

According to the National Institute of Health, “Like muscle, bone is living tissue that responds to exercise by becoming stronger. The best exercise for your bones is the weight-bearing kind, which forces you to work against gravity.”

While low impact exercises are easier on our joints, it’s the high impact workouts that are optimal for building and maintaining bone density. This is because we often we need to stress muscles in order to strengthen them.

Though any form of exercise is good for your health, these 6 are the best when it comes to beefing up your bones: 


Perhaps the most fun form of exercise, dancing has shown excellent results when it comes to increasing one’s balance and coordination. It is also weight bearing, making it a prime candidate for a bone healthy workout.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is not just for the kids! In fact, it’s a total body workout that is rich in cardio. Whether you start with slow or rapid jumps, jumping rope is load bearing on your bones and as a result, increases their density.


The changes in elevation take walking to a whole new level. Going both uphill and downhill has a weight impact on your bones that will make them stronger.

Stair Climbing

The lowest impact option, stair climbing machines are a great resource for those with osteoporosis or other health related problems. These machines work to build bone mass but in a way that is easier on your joints.


While many exercises strengthen the bones in your legs, tennis is a great way to spread the love to the bones in your arms. For example, studies have shown that those who play tennis have a greater bone mass in their swinging arm than those who don’t.

Weight Training

Resistance training with free weights or weight machines are both simple ways to stress your bones and strengthen them.

While exercising regularly results in a greater bone density and strength, it’s important to remember that a well balanced and healthy diet are also an important part of maintaining one’s bone health. If you are new to working out, start small and slowly build yourself up to reduce your risk for injury.

To consult with an orthopaedic specialist about your bone health and the treatment options available to you, reach out to Dr. Stacie Grossfeld today. Dr. Stacie Grossfeld is a trained orthopedic surgeon who is double board-certified in orthopedic surgery and sports medicine. You can contact her by using the contact form on her website or by calling 502-212-2663 today!