Medical Student Comes Full Circle!

Savannah was a student athlete when I started taking care of her in middle school. She ended up have several knee surgeries for an unstable patellae. Now she is a medical student! It was just pure fun having her shadow me in the office and in surgery. The great news is there are some super, crazy intelligent students out there learning the field of medicine that will be able to take care of us all in the future. 😷❤️😷

Dr. Grossfeld Celebrates the Grand Opening of F45 Training in St. Matthews

F45 Training, a functional boot-camp style training approach to fitness that originated in Australia, recently arrived in Louisville, Kentucky. Louisville orthopedic surgeon Dr. Stacie Grossfeld teamed up with personal trainers Melissa Goodlett and Kim Postema to open three F45 studios. With the F45 Middletown location opening in April, the female entrepreneurs are excited to announce the grand opening of a second F45 location in the St. Matthews neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky!

F45 St. Matthews will be opening on Saturday, July 13th at 4600 Shelbyville Road in the same plaza as Trader Joe’s, Feeder’s Supply, and Nordstrom Rack (right by Murphy’s Camera and the Vitamin Shoppe.) The grand opening celebration will start with two classes at 8:15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. followed by a ribbon cutting at 10:45 a.m. with Richard Tonini, the Mayor of St. Matthews. Vendors including Zija, Perfectly Prepped, Fusion Wellness, Profile Sanford, Live Well Natural Health, and Pro Rehab will be at the grand opening along with a live DJ. Attendees will have a chance to enter giveaways and participate in a membership raffle during the celebration.

The History of F45

F45 started in Sydney, Australia in 2011. The founders of this high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program developed the unique approach that F45 utilizes as an answer for those who are interested in living a healthy lifestyle but find themselves in a rut within the normal, box gym setting. Since its start, F45 has become extremely popular around the world with thousands of locations opening across the globe. Now, high-profile celebrities like Mark Wahlberg are investing in F45 after having realized for themselves that the F45 Training approach is steeped in health benefits.

What Sets F45 Apart

F45 Training focuses on a succession-style exercise routine that combines functional training, circuit training, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). With thousands of variations, members of F45 training facilities are able to participate in various workout classes throughout the week without repeating classes. Each of the classes uses three training styles to help members with cardiovascular endurance while burning body fat and building strong, lean muscle.

The F45 training facility opening in the St. Matthews neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky on July 13th will be the second state-of-the-art F45 location in Louisville following the Middletown location. It features:

  • Workout stations that use workout equipment including balance trainers, stationary bikes, rowing machines, barbells, ropes, mats, and sandbags.
  • A highly trained team of certified fitness trainers who are there to lead workout classes and motivate gym members to push themselves harder throughout the workouts.
  • A variety of different workouts that range from the cardio-based Athletica that burns over 800 calories per session to the resistance-based Pegasus workout that focuses on building muscle mass are available through the online scheduling platform.
  • The F45 Training 8 Week Challenge that uses a combination of rigorous workout routines, nutritional counseling, and an online support community to help members succeed in transforming their bodies over an eight-week period.

The Women Behind F45

Dr. Stacie Grossfeld, a double board-certified sports medicine physician and orthopedic surgeon in Louisville, Kentucky, and one of several business partners bringing the F45 experience to the region is excited to open this St. Matthews location. Dr. Grossfeld is a fitness fanatic who skis, cycles, and plays competitive USTA tennis. As a doctor, she sees patients who suffer from sports injuries and is always encouraging patients to lead healthy and active lifestyles no matter their age. For this reason, she saw the opportunity to bring F45 Training to Louisville, Kentucky as a natural expansion on her day-to-day work as a physician.

Dr. Grossfeld partnered with Certified Fitness Trainers Melissa Goodlett and Kim Postema to make the dream of an F45 franchise coming to Louisville a reality. Both Melissa and Kim have dedicated their lives to living healthy lifestyles that incorporate fitness routines and they love working with, and inspiring, other people who have decided to take a step towards living a healthier lifestyle. For the two Certified Fitness Trainers, it was a no-brainer to join forces with Dr. Grossfeld and invest in the F45 franchise.

Bringing F45 to Louisville

The F45 franchise in Louisville would not have been possible without the help of Larry Benz, founder, and CEO of Confluence Health, and John Miller, a regional sales manager for Colgate, professional photographer, and self-proclaimed “fitness fanatic”.

Dr. Grossfeld has said herself that her and the team “are so excited to bring this amazing scientifically-based fitness studio to St. Matthews” and that she is looking forward to seeing how the people of the neighborhood embrace “this unique approach to fitness.” Anyone who lives in St. Matthews, or surrounding areas, and is interested in checking out the F45 St. Matthew experience for themselves can take advantage of a 1-week free trial.

F45 St. Matthews is the second of three F45 Training facilities that this trio will be opening in Louisville, Kentucky. The first F45 opened its doors on April 20th and is located in Middletown at 12905 Shelbyville Road. The third location to open is located in Crestwood, Kentucky and is slated to open later in July. Come down to the grand opening of F45 St. Matthews on July 13th to learn even more about the F45 Training facility, the team of Certified Fitness Trainers that lead the workouts, and see the studio.

The F45 Experience

F45 is an international fitness chain that offers a wide variety of structured workouts each which last 45 minutes to an hour and give participants a full body workout every time. F45 Training is the perfect option for those who are wanting to get into shape but aren’t getting what they want from a big box gym or find themselves in a rut. There are three F45 locations slated to be open by the end of July in Louisville, Kentucky.

The first F45 location, in Middletown, opened on April 20th and is currently accepting new members. The second F45 location, in St. Matthews, will be having a grand opening celebration on July 13th. The third F45 location is slated to open in Crestwood before the end of the month. Each F45 location has its own Facebook page where the community can stay up-to-date.


Resident of the Month Alex Carrasquer

Meet our Resident of the Month Alex Carrasquer!

Alex is a saint X graduate where he was an avid tennis player. After having done oncology research at the Brown Cancer Center at U of L for 10 years, Alex wants to pursue a fellowship in sports medicine so he can branch out into physical medicine and rehabilitation for oncology patients. That is his interest.

While this may seem like an interesting combination, it is very much needed. Once a cancer patient is cancer free, it can important for them emotionally and physically to get back into fitness. For example, some cancer patients have chronic pain as a result of radiation treatments or surgery. It is Alex’s goal to be able to guide these patients to a road full of recovery.

Currently, Alex is doing his residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation. There is a lot of crossover with orthopedics except that it is non-operative. Alex will also work with stroke victims and other patients who have suffered from severe injuries that require physical rehab under the guidance of a physician.

As a father of 2, Alex Carrasquer enjoys spending time with family and friends, sports and music.

Patient of the Month Jack Trick

Jack Trick is 90 years old and has been playing tennis since he was 50!

Being active is important for Trick who plays tennis and bridge three times a week. Recently, he has been experiencing a lack of energy and thought it might be a hip problem as hee has had a knee replacement and knee injections.

After talking with a tennis friend, who recommended Dr. Stacie Grossfeld, Jack made an appointment with the Orthopaedic Specialists. As it turns out, his hips are both doing fine! Dr. Grossfeld suggested doing some cardio exercise and Jack has started to ride a stationary bike for 15 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time. 

Hopefully this does the “trick”!


Patient of the Month Jenci Hawthorne

Jenci Hawthorne is a second-year medical student at the University of Louisville. 

“I chose to go into medicine because I want to be there to help people who are tackling difficult things because of their health.”

Recently she has had to tackle a problem with her own knee. As a swimmer, she frequently experienced her knee popping out. One day after a test at school, it wouldn’t pop back in. After attending physical therapy for a month with Julie Snowden and having difficulty walking, she was referred to Dr. Stacie Grossfeld.

A latereal meniscal repair was recommended. While she was nervous to have the surgery, she felt confident in the hands of a female surgeon and mentor. Her advice to others who are put in this situation is to ask as many questions as possible to better prepare you for what is going to happen. “I will never take my legs for granted again, they impact so much of your life.”

30% of patients with meniscal tears re-tear it during recovery. In order to avoid this fate, Jenci will have to be gentle and cautious when partaking in any pivoting activity. She has recently had her brace removed and will spend the next 6 months to a year further recovering her knee. Luckily her recovery process aligned well with her plans to spend the summer studying for boards.

Currently, Jenci is awaiting her board scores and preparing for her 3rd year orientation. The next year ahead holds many opportunities as Jenci looks forward to exploring the more hands on fields of internal medicine and surgery. All of us at the Orthopeadic Specialists wish her the best of luck!


How A Tick Bite Can Lead to Lyme Disease & Arthritis

lyme arthritis

Tick season is upon us. Known to thrive in the warmer climate, ticks can be a danger to us as well as our pets. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “State and local health departments have reported a record number of cases of tick borne disease.

Lyme disease (a bacterial infection commonly transmitted by deer ticks) is one of the most common tick borne illnesses. If a tick is infected with the bacterium known as “Borrelia burgdorferi” and attaches to the skin undetected for a long period of time, Lyme disease can be transmitted through one’s bloodstream.

This bacterium invades the joints and causes inflammation, wearing down the cartilage of the joints. As a result, Lyme disease arthritis can develop months or even years after exposure. states that, “If left untreated, over half of the people will develop sporadic bouts of arthritis, particularly in the knees.

If detected early enough, Lyme disease can be treated effectively with antibiotics. However, Lyme disease is often misdiagnosed because it’s symptoms are commonly confused with fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis, among others. 

The Signs & Symptoms

Those with Lyme disease usually experience flu like symptoms including:

  • Fever
  • Chills and or sweats
  • Muscle aches
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Fatigue

Most affected by Lyme disease also develop a rash in the shape of a bulls eye. More serious symptoms such as joint pain, bell’s palsy and neck stiffness can also develop.

Tick Prevention

According to NIG Medicine Plus Magazine, “A tick needs to remain attached for 36 hours before Lyme disease can be transmitted.” Therefore, avoiding tick exposure, and detecting one early on if exposed, is key in preventing Lyme disease from developing.  

Small in size, ticks can easily go unnoticed. They are most prevalent in densely wooded areas, amidst high grasses, shrubs and bushes. When hiking or walking, try to keep to the center of the trail to avoid coming in contact with one. Chemical repellents and year long preventative treatment for pets are also helpful.

For further protection, dress in clothing that covers your arms and legs, tucking loose ends in to prevent any openings. Wearing light colors can help to improve a tick’s visibility.

When done spending time outdoors, be sure to check all areas of the skin including your scalp. Following a shower, wash clothes in high heat to kill any ticks that may be remaining.

Removing a Tick

If you do find a tick, it is critical that it is removed properly and quickly. Use tweezers to grab the whole tick, being careful to pull it out directly without twisting as the head could remain in the skin. Afterwards, clean the area with soap, water and rubbing alcohol. You can get rid of the tick by flushing it down the toilet or sealing it in a bag.

For more questions about Lyme disease as well as the treatment for Lyme arthritis or joint pain, contact Dr. Stacie Grossfeld and the Orthopaedic Specialists of Louisville, Kentucky at 502-212-2663.

Meet Dr. Chris Ethridge!

Chris’s Service

Chris Ethridge, M.D. is a second year resident with the University of Louisville Family Medicine and Geriatrics. He has had a very interesting journey to become a family medicine physician. He was active duty military and served one tour in Afghanistan and then two tours in Iraq. Three tours shows an uncompromising dedication to our country. Dr Ethridge joined the military in June of 2002, a week out of high school. Initially he was stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC with the 82nd Airborne Division. He then moved back to Kentucky in 2006 to go to college.


After graduating from medical school and starting his residency with the Department of Anesthesia. No wait, did I say anesthesia? Yes, two years into his anesthesia residency he decided he wanted more patient interactions (awake patient contact) and the ability to develop long term relationships. Patient relationships led him to the Department of Family Medicine and Geriatrics.

But First Nursing

He did have a brief break between residency positions and actually worked as a nursing assistant at the ICU at Norton Audubon Hospital. During that time none of the nurses were unaware that he was a physician with two years of anesthesia under his belt. A pro at floating central lines, placing art lines, reading chest x-rays, and understanding the complex care of a critically ill patient, he maintained his humble status. Not too proud to change a bed, lift a patient that needed assistance, or work with the skilled nursing staff to make their job easier.

He has a huge smile on his face when he talks about that experience and the wonderful nursing staff that he worked with side by side. When asked when the staff found out his secret. He stated they found out the day he matched with the Family Medicine Department. He said his work family was thrilled!!!

Dr. Chris Ethridge is a quick study and a pleasure to work with for the month of May. Hopefully we instilled a bit of orthopedics into his skill set! He has two beautiful children and an amazing wife, and is originally from Paducah, Kentucky.

Female Entrepreneurs Including Louisville Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Stacie Grossfeld Open Kentucky’s First F45 Fitness Studios

F45 Training, a popular bootcamp style fitness studio originating in Australia, is taking Louisville by storm with 3 locations opening within months of one another in Middletown, Crestwood and St. Matthews. Kentucky’s first three F45 fitness studios are female owned and operated. Fitness enthusiast and orthopaedic surgeon Stacie Grossfeld partnered with certified personal trainers Kim Postema and Melissa Goodlett to bring the international fitness chain to the city of Louisville, Kentucky.

Founded in 2011 in Sydney Australia as a solution to the rut many people get into in a normal gym setting, the intense 45-minute F45 fitness circuit has gained in popularity around the globe with thousands of locations open worldwide. Most recently high-level investors like Mark Wahlberg are signing on having personally realized the benefits of the program’s innovative approach to training which combines unique and varied fitness routines with structure and accountability.

As a sports medicine doctor and orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Stacie Grossfeld sees this business endeavor as a natural coupling to her daily work where she strives to promote an active healthy lifestyle to patients of every age. As a competitive tennis player, and avid skier and cyclist, Dr. Grossfeld is a lifelong athlete and passionate advocate of the benefits of physical activity. “I believe being a competitive athlete makes me a more effective sports medicine doctor. I can relate to my athletic patients on a more personal level. It’s just so important to be mobile and pain free and I try to help my all patients achieve this goal.”

About the Co-Owners

Seeing the difficulty so many people have in maintaining an ongoing fitness routine, and knowing the benefits that a sense of community can make in this effort, getting involved in F45 Training seemed like a natural fit for Dr. Grossfeld. “This unique approach to fitness impressed me because of how much gets accomplished in just 45 minutes. F45 takes the guesswork out of training and it also makes it fun. And the instructors know how to really motivate everyone to push harder. When an opportunity arose to bring this to Louisville, I knew that I had to be involved.”

Certified Fitness Trainer Melissa Goodlett brings a lifelong love of health and fitness to her work at F45. Talking about her decision to become a co-owner of F45, Melissa explains: “I love helping people reach their health and fitness goals! Anything is possible with a positive attitude and hard work! I’m grateful every day that my job is to motivate, inspire, teach and help people change their lives for the better!”

Growing up playing many different types of sports, F45 co-owner Kim Postema combines a love of physical activity with a passion for working with people. Describing her work at F45, Kim states: “I truly love motivating people to make changes to be healthier! Come see me and the whole F45 Training team at one of our Louisville-area locations. Our F45 workouts really are amazing!”

Why F45?

F45 training facilities are designed to make obtaining a great workout as easy as possible. Exercises feature movements that support day-to-day activities such as lifting, squatting, jumping and twisting motions among many others. While F45 stands for functional training, workouts also incorporate high intensity interval training and circuit training. This combination of rapid-fire exercises, strength training, and cardiovascular endurance is thought to be most effective for burning fat and building lean muscle.

With over 30 themed workouts and thousands of variations, members never do the same routine twice. Stations are stocked with items like barbells, ropes, rowing machines, mats, stationary bikes, sandbags and balance trainers. Each class is led by up to 2 coaches, and lasts just 45 minutes.

F45’s Middletown location officially opened its doors on April 20th following a ribbon cutting with Mayor Greg Fischer and Karl Schmitt, CEO of the Louisville Sports Commission. Both Crestwood and St. Matthews locations are expected to open in June of 2019. Members of the Middletown, Crestwood and St. Matthews studios can attend classes at the location nearest them while also enjoying access to all three facilities.

Embracing the group fitness mentality, the F45 experience is known to offer rapid results in a safe and encouraging environment. For a limited time, those interested in a fast paced, fun workout can take advantage of a free 7-day trial. While fitting in a full body workout can be challenging, the F45 model provides a structured and proven routine all in a realistic time frame. Additionally, trainers are always on hand to help participants utilize proper technique and form.

To receive a 1-week free trial, and special introductory pricing at the Middletown location, sign up here.

About F45 Fitness Studios

Originating in Sydney, Australia in 2011, F45 is an international fitness chain offering a structured, quick and team like approach to traditional exercise classes. Functional boot camp style classes are offered in 45-minute sessions. Kentucky’s first three franchise locations are located in Middletown, Crestwood and St. Matthews, Kentucky.

To learn more about the Louisville, KY-based F45 Fitness Studios, each location has its own Facebook page.

About Dr. Stacie Grossfeld

Dr. Stacie Grossfeld is one of three female F45 franchise owner operators in Middletown, Crestwood, and St. Matthews, Kentucky. She is also the owner of Orthopedic Specialists, a sports medicine and orthopedic surgery practice located in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Grossfeld is double board certified in orthopedic surgery and sports medicine. A graduate of the University of Louisville School of Medicine, Dr. Grossfeld served her internship and residency at the University of Minnesota and completed a fellowship in Sports Medicine at the Fowler- Kennedy Sports Medicine Center. In addition to her private practice, Dr. Grossfeld serves as a team doctor for the South Oldham Dragons. She is also an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Louisville.

About Melissa Goodlett

Melissa Goodlett, an F45 owner and trainer at F45 Middletown, is thrilled to be a part of the F45 fitness franchise and is excited to see Louisville growing in fitness opportunities. Melissa began her career as a teacher but spent 12 years managing a team of sales reps for Depuy Spine. After deciding it was time for a career change and having a lifelong love of health and fitness, she decided to pursue her personal trainer certification. Melissa is a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Association for Fitness Certification. She has her group fitness and nutrition certification as well and has been working in the fitness industry for almost 5 years. She first got her start as a coach and then Head Trainer at Orangetheory Fitness.

About Kim Postema

F45 owner and trainer Kim Postema is originally from Michigan. She grew up playing many different sports. While in college she began distance running and has now completed 5 marathons including “The Goofy” at Walt Disney World. She studied accounting and is a CPA but got into the fitness industry after her 3 children were born. While she initially started as a Bodypump instructor 13 years ago, she later became certified in spinning, barre, yoga and TRX. She has worked for the YMCA and Orangetheory Fitness. She holds her CPT license through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and her group fitness certification through the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA).