Banana Sutures

Ashley doing surgery (learning to suture) on a banana in the office this am as part of her senior project. The banana survived and is resting comfortably.
The future Ashley White, M.D. has pretty good hands. She is a quick study!
Tomorrow she will be practicing anchor placement for rotator cuff repairs 😷.

Patient of the Month Bill Wetter

72 year old Bill Wetter has triumphantly returned to running after undergoing Achilles Tendon surgery last August.

Pictured here with his daughter, (who is also an avid runner with a passion for helping mommas get their bodies back after having a baby) Bill just completed the Goose Creek 5K in April. While normally he would have done the 10K, and has participated in the Irish Classic on St. Patty’s Day as well as the Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon, Bill won’t be pushing his body that far. “5K’s are what I do at this stage of the game.”

Although his Achilles Tendon wasn’t completely torn, for Bill it has been a long road to receiving the proper treatment. He was initially treated by another doctor for plantar fasciitis with no results. After seeing Dr. Grossfeld in a publication, he reached out to her in the hopes that a PRP injection in the tendon would help. However, after exhausting every option, surgery was needed to repair the tendon.

Having already experienced a shoulder replacement in the past due to osteoarthritis, Bill has learned  throughout this process, “that not every surgeon is created equal. If you have a sports related injury, go to a sports doctor who understands the mechanics of what you want to do. I could have avoided surgery if I wanted to change my lifestyle, but I love being able to run and have been doing it for 40 years. Dr. Grossfeld understood that.” 

After 1 month of weekly rehab sessions and walking with a brace, Bill was given the all clear to run in December and has been fortunate to have a quick healing process. He was awarded the first place medal for the 65 + age group during his first competitive 5K since the surgery.

“At 72, I knew I had to go slow. I’ve worked at the gym and on the track and during the race I took it slow and easy, not pushing for time but concentrating on form.” Bill has been participating in the Goose Creek 5K for the last 25 years and is gearing up for another 5K in June. In the meantime, his wife is being treated by Dr. Grossfeld for her knees. Retired from the police and health departments, Bill is a Vietnam war era veteran who now volunteers his time at the local VA hospital.

“If you are committed to reaching a goal, age should not be a barrier. Thanks to Dr. Grossfeld, I’m back on the road again!”

How long does it take for a broken bone to heal in a child?

The younger the child the faster the broken bone will heal. The average time for a broken bone to heal in a child is 4-6 weeks. Adult broken bones typically take twice as long to heal than children.

Bone healing time is dependent on the type of fracture and which bone is involved. Typically the higher the energy that caused the fracture will result in a more complex fracture and a longer healing time. For example, if a child falls while running and lands on their out stretched wrist and fractures their distal radius, that fracture will heal quicker than a fracture that occurs in a high energy car accident.

Certain bones such as the tibia (shin bone) take almost twice as long to heal than the distal radius (wrist bone). Imaged below on the left is a higher energy wrist fracture that will take longer to heal than the image on the right. The X-ray on the right is a non displaced distal radius fracture indicated by the red arrows.

Opioid Facts

1. 80% of the world’s opioid use is in the U.S. but the U.S. only makes up 5% of the world’s population.
2. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the amount of prescription opioids nearly quadrupled from 1999 to 2015.
3. By 2014, Americans were more likely to die from an opioid overdose than from a car accident.
4. Why? We can start with the introduction of pain as the fifth vital sign. This was mandated in 2001 via the VA medical system.
5. The introduction of prescription opioids were marketed to physicians as non-addicted pain medication when actually they were extremely addictive.
6. We now have a horrible problem. Educating our patients is so important as is using non-opioids to treat pain and discussing expectations with patients prior to surgery or after an injury.

Meet Dr. Michael Orangias!

Michael Orangias, MD came back for a repeat rotation! Dr. Orangias is a fourth-year resident with the Internal Medicine and Pediatrics departments at the University of Louisville. He will be double board-certified when he graduates and passes his boards.

After he completes his double residency he is going to complete a double fellowship. One fellowship will be in pediatric pulmonology and the other one will be in sleep medicine.

However, medicine was not his first love. Dr. Orangias graduated from the University of Louisville with a degree in music. He worked as a professional musician for many years and taught guitar privately. He plays classical guitar and also played guitar in a rock ‘n’ roll band.

Mike always had an interest in medicine and finally went back to medical school after going back to college to finish up his pre-med coursework.

A true Renaissance man! He was an absolute joy to work with. He mastered the technique of giving injections and I think has a pretty good handle on orthopedics. Michael Orangias even hopes to practice in the Louisville, Kentucky area.


I Heard a Pop in My Knee

I Heard a Pop in My Knee What Does That Mean?
Unlike the cartoon below you probably didn’t pop a balloon 🎈

The top five conditions that may occur if you heard a pop in your knee after a traumatic event are:
1. Torn meniscus
2. Torn ACL
3. Dislocated patella (knee cap)
4. Bone bruise
5. Osteochondral injury (knocked off a piece of articular cartilage)

What is Sarcopenia?

Sarcopenia is muscle loss as you age. Who gets it? Everyone, unless you work to maintain muscle mass.

Adding weight training, weight lifting or some type of resistance exercises after age 35 is important. After age 60 studies have revealed that you have to work harder to maintain your muscle mass and strength. Keeping your muscles strong will reduce the risk of falling which in turn reduces the risk of fracture. Resistance training will help to increase your metabolism and aerobic capacity.
Cardio is important but don’t forget to integrate weight lifting into your workout regiment.

Are Certain Sports Injuries Gender Specific?

The short answer is yes. Here’s a quiz to test your knowledge:

1. Who gets more ACL tears percentage wise?
2. Which gender gets worse concussions ?
3. Do men or women have a higher incidence of stress fractures?
4. Who experiences more traumatic dislocations of the shoulder?
5. What about sports related traumatic fractures in all bones?


  1. Ladies

2. Ladies

3. Ladies

4. Men

5. Men

Shattered Talus

This is why cleaning your gutters is dangerous! I saw this patient as a second opinion. He had surgery elsewhere. When he fell off the roof, he landed directly on his feet like a cat and shattered his talus which is one of the major bones in the ankle. He is going to need to have all the screws removed and his ankle fused. My medical advise is to hire a professional to clean out your gutters!!!

Employee of the Quarter: Lindsay Rhodus!

We are happy to announce our second employee of the quarter! Each employee of the quarter is voted on by the staff and receives a special bonus. Here are just a few of the reasons why the staff at Orthopaedic Specialists nominated Lindsay Rhodus to win this quarter:

She works tirelessly on…

  • Getting surgeries booked quickly
  • Getting MRI’s booked for our patients ASAP
  • Getting referrals scheduled ASAP
  • Squeezing last minute surgery patients in
  • She is always willing to help others.
  • She truly loves her job.
  • She stays positive.
  • She has a great laugh.

From everyone on the team, we thank you for your bright attitude and hard work Lindsay! (: