1. When ramping up your mileage do not increase your mileage more than 10% per week.
2. Listen to your body. If you start to have pain, you need to back off and increase your cross training activities.
3. Keep a detailed training log. A training log is also very useful if you get a stress fracture so you can go back and see what caused the stress fracture activity wise. You will not want to repeat that in the future.
4. Check your vitamin D levels. Have your primary care physician check those levels. You would want them to be between 50–60 as an athlete .
5. Mix up your training surfaces and activities. It is a repetitive force on the lower extremity that can cause a stress fracture. By mixing up your training surfaces and activities you will apply different forces to your feet and your lower extremities, which will decrease the repetitive force to the pelvis, hip, legs and feet.
Broken Hip?
Yikes!!! My patient broke both hips in the same year. Where you break your hip will determine what type of surgery you will need to have performed.
On the left side she broke her hip in the intertrochanteric region of the hip joint. That type of fracture is treated with the intramedullary hip screw and is outlined below by the blue arrow. When the fracture involves the femoral neck it is treated with either a total hip replacement or bipolar hip replacement and is outlined below by the green arrow.
This x-ray shows the different regions of the hip joint. The red arrow is the femoral neck and the yellow area shows the intertrochanteric region of the hip.
The reason two different type of surgeries are performed if you fracture your hip at the femoral neck area (the red arrow) is because the blood supply to the hip bone is disrupted and that bone will commonly die. So the hip bone is taken out and replaced with a hip replacement. When the hip fracture occurs in the intertrochanteric region of the hip, the blood supply is not disrupted so the hip can be fixed with internal fixation (see the blue arrow).
Why Does Your Body Form Bone Spurs?
When you have a joint in your body that is arthritic it is painful to move that joint. The body tries to prevent joint mobility by forming bone spurs around the joint to limit the range of motion. The body is essentially trying to fuse the joint that is painful.
Surgically going in and removing the bone spurs does not help because the body will quickly reform the bone spurs after they have been surgically excised. Imaged below is a picture of a foot. The great toe has a significant amount of bone spurs. The red circle shows the great toe joint with all the bone spurs and narrowed joint space. The third toe,with the yellow circle, shows a normal looking joint. This patient has almost no motion at her great toe joint.
National Girls & Women in Sports Day Celebration
The National Girls & Women in Sports Day dates back as far as 1987 and is a way of recognizing and honoring the contributions of female athletes. Thanks to the Athletic Department at the University of Louisville, Dr. Stacie Grossfeld was invited to take part in a celebration of the national holiday on Sunday January 27, of 2019 at the KFC Yum! Center.
The university gathered many female business owners and mentors to participate in a round table discussion with female student athletes interested in pursuing a careers in an array of fields and specialties. Dr. Grossfeld had the pleasure of being paired with 6 pre-med students.
The students asked questions and received advice about how to study for the MCAT, what to put into their medical school application, how many hours they should be shadowing, where they should be shadowing and how to handle a medical school interview. They also learned more about what life is like as a surgeon, mom, and female in medicine, why the doctors chose a career in medicine, and more about their career pathways.
This was a great event, and unique effort to acknowledge the influence of women in sports and medicine! As always, we enjoy working with both medical residents and interns. It’s encouraging to see more and more college students choosing a career path in health and science, and we are glad to mentor them in anyway possible! To learn more about how you can participate in an internship or residency with Dr. Stacie Grossfeld, just visit our website or call our office at 502-212-2663!
Bio Composite Screw
Imaged below is a bio composite screw that I used in a knee. The screw will actually incorporate into your bone over time. One of the big advantages of this type of screw is if you ever need to have an MRI of the knee in the future, it will not cause any artifact. Retained metal will cause an MRI image to have streaks and make the study difficult to read.
What Does Knee Arthritis Actually Look Like in HD ?
My 12 year old son, poo poos it because we don’t have 4K monitors in the operating room and it’s only 1080p, however in 1080p this is what knee osteoarthritis looks like:
The first image (upper left ) is a normal knee with normal white, smooth cartilage covering the end of the femur bone. Image number two at the top right reveals a large arthritic area which is the pale orange color surrounded by the white articular cartilage. The pale orange area is the exposed bone with the cartilage missing (the definition osteoarthritis). The middle row left is my metal probe in the knee joint pointing at the area of osteoarthritis.
Middle row right reveals a chondro-pick, which has a sharp pointed tip. Yikes!!! We use this medieval looking instrument to literally poke holes in the area of exposed bone. Which I am doing in the bottom left image. Why??? Penetrating the exposed bone causes the bone to bleed. That will attract healthy cells which in turn forms fibro-cartilage. This scar tissue type cartilage will fill in the area of exposed bone reversing the process. In the last image, lower right, you can see the bone bleeding. Mission accomplished.
Six weeks with no weight bearing on that leg while the new cartilage is generated. Think of it like planting new grass seed, you can’t walk on it while it is growing, or it will be destroyed. In six weeks, happy knee and happy patient!
Can you have a fracture or broken bone that doesn’t show up on an X-ray?
Yep! While X-rays are excellent at showing bones, they are bad at showing anything else.
An MRI can show not only the bone but bleeding, swelling and fluid within the bone. The detail is amazing. Imaged below to the left is a MRI view of a knee joint. The red circle reveals a stress reaction or pre-stress fracture of a tibia. You can clearly see the white area which represents bleeding or fluid within the tibial bone.
This next image is an x-ray of the same knee. Nowhere on the image can you see the stress reaction or pre-stress fracture. The yellow circle represents the area where the stress reaction is located and is identified by the corresponding MRI scan.
When people come to the office with pain in the region of the bone and the plain x-rays are normal, our next imaging study ordered is a MRI. Very rarely will I ever see a patient with a stress fracture that is present on a plain x-ray.
ACL Reconstruction
When you tear your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), and undergo surgery, you cannot “repair” the ligament tear. You have to reconstruct the ligament. Reconstruction means you have to take some other ligament or tendon in the patient’s body and turn it into an ACL.
There are many options. I commonly use two of the hamstring tendons that attach near the knee joint.
The hamstring tendons will reform as a scar tissue type tendon, hamstring strength returns back to normal, and the neuro function to the hamstring tendons returns back to normal within one year. So as surgeons we steal from Peter to feed Paul, but eventually we get back to Peter, so to speak…
Pictured below are the hamstrings after I have harvested them from the patient. The second image reveals the new ACL that I I have constructed in the operating room. After the surgery the athlete will be back to their game within five months.
What is the difference between osteoarthritis and osteoporosis?
This is a commonly asked question and tends to be confusing to many of my patients.
Osteoarthritis is the breakdown of the cartilage that covers the ends of each long bone. Think of each long bone in your body as having a hat over each end. The hat is the cartilage. As the hat material wears out, the end of the bone becomes exposed. Osteoarthritis is the process where the cartilage is wearing down, similar to the hat material. Eventually the bone becomes exposed and that is extremely painful.
Osteoporosis is a condition where your bones become thin. It has nothing to do with cartilage. It has everything to do with the fact that your bone goes from being a very strong structure to a very thin fragile structure. That occurs in women as we lose estrogen and in men as testosterone levels go down as they age. In women, this can typically occur after age 60 and in men typically after age 75.
Osteoporosis is a silent condition because it doesn’t cause any pain until the bone become so fragile it breaks. Osteoarthritis is a process that occurs over time and typically there is pain associated with the joint where osteoarthritis is occurring. There are cases where people will have the arthritic process occurring for years and be completely asymptomatic until they reach the end stage where there is no cartilage left in the joint.
10 Ways To Prevent Running Injuries From Dr. Stacie Grossfeld
While every runner will likely experience an injury at some point, it’s still beneficial to do everything you can to prevent them from happening in the first place. What better way to do your due diligence than to take the doctor’s advice?
Here are 10 Ways To Prevent Running Injuries from Dr. Stacie Grossfeld herself:
1. Do not increase your mileage more than 10 percent per week.
Gradually preparing your body to take on more will allow it to handle the stress more evenly on your joints as well as build endurance.
2. Warm up to warm up. Do a light run or some type of exercise until you have a light sweat, then stretch. Stretching cold muscles is a bad idea.
Warming up before you stretch helps increase the blood flow to your muscles, making them more flexible and mobile.
3. Replace your shoes before they are worn out.
Running on shoes that are past their prime means you’re likely missing out on shock absorption, cushioning and stability. All of these characteristics are valuable because they help to reduce the amount of stress and impact on your joints.
4. Try to change up running surfaces to change the load and force on your legs.
Each surface you run on poses a unique challenge to your muscles, by it up you reduce the chance of an overuse injury and increase your ability to tackle new terrains.
5. Cross train on your days off.
Routinely engaging in another sport or activity can help your body’s joints recover and allow you to strengthen other areas in need.
6. Track your mileage, surface and workout type to review in case an injury occurs.
Keeping tally of how long you run for and whether these runs tend to be on hard or soft surfaces will allow you to better pinpoint the cause of any future injury.
7. Listen to your body. You may have a training plan but your body might need a modification.
While it’s good to set goals and challenge yourself, don’t be afraid to listen to your body and make changes to your training plan that will keep you from injuring yourself.
8. Do not let injuries linger if they are not improving.
If you are struggling with a running injury, make sure you seek the right medical attention and treatment plan for you. Ignoring injuries or running through them can sometimes increase the magnitude of the problem.
9. Stay hydrated.
Drinking enough water is essential to preventing heat exhaustion and dehydration; illnesses that can leave you feeling fuzzy and put you in serious harms way.
10. Seek the advice of professionals if you are new to the sport.
If you’re interested in becoming an avid runner, ask those whose are experts in the field for training tips. Why not start off on the right foot?
To get more information on injury prevention and learn about innovative treatment options, continue reading our blog. Dr. Stacie Grossfeld is a trained orthopedic surgeon who is double board-certified in orthopedic surgery and sports medicine. To make an appointment with the Orthopaedic Specialists, call us at 502-212-2663 or use the contact form online.
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