Youth Sports Injuries: An Examination of Overuse Injuries and Trauma

Youth Sports Injuries and Overuse Injury vs. Traumatic InjuryAs published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, E. Jesperson and colleagues (2013) conducted a cohort study to understand youth sports injuries. Researchers specifically looked at the incidence of traumatic and overuse injuries in kids ages 6 to 12 years.

The research on youth sports injuries was conducted over a 2 ½ year period.  Traumatic injuries tended to be more common than overuse. Over a one week period, injury incidence in the sample was 1.2% (overuse) and 4.6% (traumatic).

Researchers found some interesting differences between overuse and traumatic youth sports injuries. Overuse injuries were 2.5 times more likely to affect lower extremities than traumatic injuries (for example, this includes legs, ankles, feet, and knees). (more…)

Golf Injury and the Upper Body

Golf Injury and Injury PreventionWith an estimated 60 million people participating in golf world wide, researchers led by Dr. Michael Cohen and colleagues looked at golf related injuries to understand common golf injury patterns and prevention.

Some causes of injuries in golfers include the following:

  • Overplaying the game
  • Problems with the golf swing
  • Hitting the ground
  • Golf Injury from Over-swinging
  • Not warming up enough before competitive play
  • Twisting while hitting the golf ball
  • Falling on the course
  • Bending while putting
  • Cart related injuries
  • Injuries from getting hit by the ball

While the game of golf is sometimes viewed as less physically rigorous, the fact is that golfers may experience a wide range of sports related injuries. Sports injuries associated with golf may include shoulder injuries, acromioclavicular joint injuries, impingement (more…)

Sports Injuries – Comparing Children and Teens with Sports Injuries

Sports InjuriesSports Injuries in Kids – Researchers Compare Young Children with Teens – Sports injuries are very common among children, and a concern to parents, coaches and doctors.

Sometimes when we talk about sports injuries and kids, we refer to kids as a group as though they are all the same. New research is looking more closely at sports injuries for specific age ranges among youth and finding notable differences.

Researchers led by Stracciolini (2013) and colleagues compared sports injuries that young children experience with those experienced by older kids. Teens between 13 and 17 were more likely to experience an injury to the spine, chest and hip or pelvis area. Older children also comprised a greater proportion of those experiencing injuries caused by overuse.

Compared to younger kids, older children were also more likely to be diagnosed with soft tissue injuries. Other sports injuries more likely to affect older kids than younger included: ACL injuries, torn meniscus, and spondylolysis.

In comparison, younger kids were more likely to experience certain sports injuries like fractures including physeal fractures, apophysitis, and osteochondritis dissecans, compared to older kids. (more…)

Triathlon Training and Swimming Injuries – Learn more from Sports Medicine Doctor

swimming injuries and triathlon trainingTriathlon Training? Be Aware of Overuse Injuries and Swimming Injuries including Shoulder Injury during Triathlon Training.

Researchers Bales and Bales (2012) looked at swimming injuries caused by overuse among those engaged in triathlon training. Their research on swimming injuries caused by overuse was published in the Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review.

Noting that many researchers focus on triathlon training injuries from biking and running, this focus on swimming is also significant. (more…)

Hip Surgery and Knee Replacement Surgery for Osteoarthritis Treatment

osteoarthritis treatment and knee replacement surgeryKnee Replacement Surgery or Hip Surgery for Osteoarthritis Treatment. Researchers led by Sankar (2013) and colleagues and published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage look at return to work after knee or hip replacement surgery to treat osteoarthritis.

Noting that hip and knee replacement surgeries are increasingly common among younger people, researchers looked at data to examine return to work rates following surgery as part of osteoarthritis treatment.

Researchers found that individuals with total hip replacement surgery tended to return to work earlier than that undergoing total knee replacement surgery. Workplace activity (more…)

What Causes Osteoarthritis? Research on Predictors of Osteoarthritis

What Causes Osteoarthritis

What Causes Osteoarthritis?

In order to understand what causes osteoarthritis, researchers consider different predictors of this painful medical condition.

Researchers led by Richmond (2013) and published in the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy look at joint injury, sports participation, physical activity, occupational activities and obesity to gain insight into what causes osteoarthritis.

Based on the research, study findings identified obesity, occupational activities and joint injury as being associated with an increased risk of osteoarthritis, and this included both knee osteoarthritis and hip osteoarthritis.

Researchers found that sports involvement and overall physical activity produced less clear results in terms of osteoarthritis. (more…)

What is Arthroscopy? Three Benefits of Arthroscopic Surgery

arthroscopy and arthroscopic surgery









What is Arthroscopy? and Benefits of Arthroscopic Surgery – Arthroscopic surgery is a common surgical procedure offered by orthopedic surgeons.

For those wondering “What is Arthroscopy?” – arthroscopy is a very common orthopedic procedure performed on a number of different body parts. Most commonly arthroscopy is performed by an orthopedic surgeon on the knees, followed by the shoulders, hips, ankles and other joint areas including elbows and wrists.

According to data from the National Survey of Ambulatory Surgery, as reported by Kim (2011) and colleagues published in the Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, the use of arthroscopy on the knee increased by nearly 50% between 1996 and 2006.

During arthroscopy, a small high deviation camera is placed into a joint in order to visualize the pathology and allow the orthopedic surgeon to correct the problem or injury. (more…)

Compartment Syndrome – Learn the Facts from Louisville Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Physician Dr. Stacie Grossfeld

Compartment Syndrome is a medical condition that occurs when a person’s blood supply is not sufficient enough to give adequate oxygen to the body’s muscles and nerves.

Acute compartment syndrome is very serious, and is typically considered an emergency situation. Acute compartment syndrome is often caused by some type of injury like a fracture or a serious muscle bruise. If not treated properly and quickly, it can lead to severe damage in the muscle.

Another type of compartment syndrome, exertional compartment syndrome, also called chronic compartment syndrome, is typically caused by some type of physical exertion, for example, during competitive athletic play. Generally people suffering from exertional or chronic compartment syndrome may feel a numb sensation. They may also have difficulty moving the affected area and experience swelling in the muscle. (more…)

Louisville Orthopedic Doctor Stacie Grossfeld MD Receives Special Honor from University of Louisville

Louisville Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Stacie Grossfeld Receives Departmental Award from University of LouisvilleLouisville orthopedic doctor Stacie Grossfeld MD received a special Departmental Award from the University of Louisville School of Medicine’s Department of Family and Geriatric Medicine.

Each year U of L’s Department of Family and Geriatric Medicine chooses one faculty member to receive this special Departmental Award.

The Departmental Award is meant to honor a physician who exhibits dedication and service to the University of Louisville and the medical student residents, like orthopedic doctor Stacie Grossfeld MD.

This year Orthopaedic Specialists’ Dr. Stacie Grossfeld received this very special honor. Dr. Grossfeld was presented with the Departmental Award by University of Louisville Department Chair Dr. Michael Ostapchuk. (more…)

Pain in the Shoulder could be Shoulder Impingement Syndrome – Learn more

Shoulder Pain, Shoulder Injury, and Shoulder ImpingementShoulder Impingement Syndrome – What is it and What can I do about it?

Shoulder impingement syndrome is often characterized by pain in the shoulder when you reach up over your head.  It is caused by a narrowing of the area under the shoulder’s acromion.

When the supraspinatus muscle in the shoulder gets compressed, it can become very inflamed and cause a lot of pain.

Sometimes in more severe cases, the bursa of the supraspinatus get inflamed. It is also possible for calcium deposits to develop in the supraspinatus’ tendon. (more…)