Recess May Influence Kids’ Mental, Emotional, Physical and Social Well Being – Learn More from Louisville Sports Medicine Doctor

Recess an important part of the school day, according to latest from Ohio State researchers.

Ramstetter, Murray and Garner published in the Journal of School Health suggests that recess time has a role to play in kids mental, emotional, physical and social functioning. Important parts of effective recess time for kids includes playground equipment that is maintained and supervisors that are trained to facilitate safe activity. (more…)

Sleep and Diet – Latest Research Explores the Connection – Learn more from Louisville Orthopaedic Specialists

What you Eat May Influence How You Sleep, according to latest research. Dr. Michael Grandner and colleagues at the Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology at the University of Pennsylvania found that people who sleep less than five hours also consumed less water and less lycopene.

Lycopene is a vitamin that is known to help protect against heart disease. Lycopene is found in foods like tomatoes, guavas, watermelon and grapefruit.

Further, people that get the “typical” amount of sleep (more…)

Fatalities and Football – Researchers Identify Reasons including Football Injuries

Fatalities Linked to Football – According to research led by Boden and colleagues (2013) and published in the American Journal of Sports  Medicine, football related injuries are rare but they do occur with around 12 per year or 1 in 100,000  participating players.

Studying data from 1990 to 2010, these researchers reviewed the cases of just over  240 athletes who lost their lives due to a football related injury or accident. Researchers found that  indirect systemic causes were (more…)

Plica Syndrome or Synovial Plica Syndrome – More on this Knee Injury from Orthopedic Surgeon Louisville KY

plica syndrome

What is Plica Syndrome?

Plica Syndrome, sometimes called Synovial Plica Syndrome, is a knee condition linked to synovial tissue in the knee.  Synovial tissue or membrane is a thin and soft tissue that provides lining to joints and joint cavities.  Some individuals are more likely to experience irritation of the synovial plica than others – often related to overuse and sometimes to injury.

Plica syndrome can be painful and may also cause a knee locking sensation or a clicking sound, especially after sleeping, sitting or being inactive for an extended period of time.

The recommended treatment for plica syndrome is often rest paired with ice and medicine to reduce any type of inflammation.

If you think you might be suffering from Plica Syndrome or some other knee related injury like medial chondromalacia or lateral patella facet syndrome, you should consult a qualified health care professional like a board certified orthopedic surgeon like Dr. Stacie Grossfeld at Orthopaedic Specialists for diagnosis and treatment.

Boys Lacrosse Rules Promote Injury Prevention and Sports Injury Safety – More from Louisville Orthopedic

The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) issued new rules for Boys Lacrosse to  increase safety in the game.

Recognizing what is described as a growing concern about the dangers of  concussions, boys lacrosse rules in 2013 have been revised to bolster safety by offering additional guidance about when penalties and even ejections should be called. (more…)

Hip Injury from Running? Learn More about Hip Pain and Common Hip Injuries from Louisville Orthopedic Surgeon

hip pain or hip injury from runningThough articles about running injuries often seem to focus on knee injuries or foot related problems, many runners and other athletes also experience hip pain or a hip injury from running.

If you are suffering from hip pain or a hip injury, learn more about possible hip injuries including Snapping Hip Syndrome, Bursitis in the Hip, Hip Stress Fractures and Piriformis Syndrome in Dr. Grossfeld’s sports medicine blog.

For orthopedic medical care or more information about Dr. Grossfeld and her orthopedic medical practice Orthopaedic Specialists, go online to Orthopaedic Specialists in Louisville Kentucky or call 502-212-2663.

Updated Guidelines for Sports Concussions Issued by American Academy of Neurology (AAN) – More from Louisville Sports Medicine Physician

The AAN issued new guidelines to evaluate athletes with concussions, replacing the 1997 guidelines. One recommendation deemed of special importance includes the suggestion that any athletes thought to have experienced a  concussion be stopped from engaging in athletic play immediately.

It is recommended that athletes receive a thorough assessment from a licensed health care provider trained in understanding concussions and  symptoms related to concussions before being allowed to return to athletic competition. (more…)

Knee Osteoarthritis and Hyaluronic Acid Injections – Learn More from Orthopedic Surgeon in Louisville KY

Research by Vincent and colleagues (2013) in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation explored functional outcomes and pain with and without hyaluronic acid injections for knee osteoarthritis.

Six months after treatment, researchers concluded that those with and without hyaluronic acid injections completed certain tasks and exercises similarly including climbing stairs, walking for six minutes without stopping, and the chair rise.

Functional pain ratings different between the groups though. Individuals with hyaluronic acid knee injections had a decrease in pain ratings when climbing stairs and gait velocity, stride length, and step length was also higher (more…)

Ankle Sprains A Serious Problem – Sports Injury Data for US High School Athletes

According to Dr. David Swenson and colleagues (2013) in research published in the Journal of Sports Medicine, ankle sprains are a problem for kids participating in high school sports.

The most common ligament injured and involved in more than 4 out of 5 sprains is the anterior talofibular ligament.  (more…)

Running Injuries, Running Injury Rates and Foot Strike – More from Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Specialists Louisville Kentucky

Harvard University researchers lead by Dr. Adam Daoud compared runners who forefoot strike compared to those who rear foot strike (or land more on their heels). Their sample included collegiate cross country runners.

They found that seven out of 10 used a rear foot strike. Approximately three out of four suffered from some type of moderate to more serious injury over the course of a year but those who typically rear foot strike had nearly two times the rate of repetitive stress injuries than those who tended (more…)