How to Donate or Recycle Your Old Fitness Gear

Ready to get rid of old fitness gear

Ready to get rid of your old running sneakers, an ill-fitting sweatshirt, or a few pairs of sweatpants you never wear? Why not celebrate the season of giving and refresh your wardrobe by donating or recycling old fitness gear! The fashion industry is one of the biggest sources of pollutants, producing over 92 million tons of waste each year, so you’re also helping the environment by salvaging old clothing. Here are some ways you can get rid of different types of athletic gear, easily and sustainably. 

Donate Your Running Sneakers

Runners know the importance of regularly changing out sneakers in order to reduce the risk of injury. Shoes4Soles is one organization that will take your old shoes and donate them to those in need. You can ship up to 50 lbs for free or drop them off at a designated location near you! Another organization is One World Running. Since 1986, they’ve been collecting old shoes, washing them, and sending them around the United States and the world. 

Don’t Trash Big Equipment 

Have an elliptical machine, bike, or weight rack rusting in the corner of your garage? It’s too big to ship and you don’t want to just throw it away, so think locally! You can quickly find people in need of what you have on apps such as Nextdoor (neighborhood app), Facebook marketplace, and Craigslist. Or, you can bring the equipment directly to drop-off organizations, such as Goodwill, Fitness 4 Charity, or Salvation army. Old fitness equipment like treadmills can have harmful fluids and materials that may harm the environment in a landfill, so it’s especially important that you avoid throwing them away.

Consign Expensive Clothing

If you can’t bear to just give away that expensive pair of leggings, consider consigning them. There are many local consignment stores that will pay you cash for high-quality fitness clothing. Or, you can easily sell online with Poshmark, Depop, Ebay, or Facebook marketplace. What better way to make a little money and help the environment! 

Recycle Your Rags

Have some workout clothing that’s too worn-out to donate? Why not recycle it in your home! Old shirts can be cut up into rags or napkins. Those rusty tennis rackets can be repurposed into a wall-display. Here are some more delightful DIY ideas for your old fitness equipment. 

Work With Brands

Some brands, such as Patagonia, accept any of their products back for recycling. Adidas launched “Choose To Give Back” , a resale program, this year. Levi’s, Vaude, Pyua, and Nike are some other notable brands that have made sustainability and recycling efforts. 

Check Out Local Drives 

Local nonprofits, churches, and other charity organizations have annual drives for different types of items, such as coats, shoes, and children’s clothing. Be sure to look into what’s happening around you! Here’s a list of places you can donate in Louisville.

If you or a loved one has sustained a sports-related injury in the Louisville, Kentucky-area, board certified sports medicine physician Dr. Stacie Grossfeld at Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC can help. Orthopaedic Specialists is currently accepting new patients, and same day/telemedicine appointments are also available. For additional information or to schedule an appointment today, call 502-212-2663.

7 Uses For PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Injections

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) injections are one of my favorite treatment modalities, and for good reason. This revolutionary therapy can be used to accelerate and promote healing, reduce pain, and limit inflammation in a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. As a form of “regenerative medicine”, PRP actually employs a small concentration of a patient’s own platelets to repair tissue. It is low-risk, cost-effective, and fast acting. If you’re interested in learning more about how PRP actually works, read my blog here. Otherwise, follow along to learn about 7 of the many conditions that PRP injections are commonly used to treat. 

1. Knee Osteoarthritis and Other Knee Injuries

Both acute injuries and chronic wear-and-tear are very commonly incurred in the knee. In fact, over half of all Americans will experience knee osteoarthritis in their lifetime. Luckily, many knee conditions respond extremely well to PRP injections. Recent research recommends PRP injections as the #1 treatment option for knee osteoarthritis. In a 2021 study, researchers found that PRP was significantly more effective than corticosteroids for reducing pain, stiffness, and functionality, even 3, 6, and 9 months later. By regulating inflammation and synthesizing collagen, they don’t just reduce pain–they promote long term recovery and healing. 

2. Tennis Elbow and Elbow Injuries

Tennis elbow is a common overuse injury of the muscles and tendons of the forearm. Many athletes and non-athletes suffer from this condition. When injected in the tendon, PRP is highly-effective for treating tennis elbow and other activity-related or arthritic conditions of the arm. It can reduce swelling, pain, and other symptoms. PRP has been proven to be more effective than cortisone shots and far less invasive or risky than surgery. 

3. Hip Pain

“Wear and tear” arthritis to the hip, or osteoarthritis, is very common in aging adults. In a recent meta-analysis of several clinic trials, PRP has been proven to reduce pain and improve function in those suffering from hip osteoarthritis. It is highly effective for providing long term relief from inflammatory symptoms such as joint stiffness, swelling, loss of mobility, or acute pain. 

4. Hair Regrowth

Recently, PRP injections have been proven to treat hair loss, in particular, androgenetic alopecia (AGA), a hormone-related form of hair loss that occurs in both men and women. The current procedure consists of three treatments, three months apart, that use microneedles in the scalp to promote regeneration and blood-flow to the scalp. 

5. Torn Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Injuries

In a recent study of people with a torn rotator cuffs, after receiving PRP injections, positive results were seen in 77.9% of patients at 6 months, 71.6% at 1 year, and 68.8% of patients at 2 years. Interestingly, those with worse tears saw the most positive results, compared to those with mild inflammation or tendonitis. Although rotator cuff surgery is usually effective, PRP is a far less invasive and highly-effective alternative.

6. Ankle Injuries

Ankle injuries, such as acute lateral ankle sprains, usually take months to recover, requiring consistent rest, medication, and physical therapy. PRP, however, can reduce that recovery time to a couple weeks! This allows you to return to your sport much sooner, and reduce the risk of developing chronic ankle instability or pain. PRP injections are a highly-viable option for those suffering from ankle-related conditions.

7. Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury associated with chronic inflammation of tissue on the bottom of the foot. 10% of the population experiences plantar fasciitis at some point in their life. It usually requires months of rest, icing, and anti-inflammatory medications. A recent study saw significant lasting improvement in those with plantar fasciitis who received PRP compared to a control group. 

Is PRP Right For Me?

If you are suffering from chronic or acute pain, an inflammatory condition, arthritis, a sports injury, or a related condition, you may be a good candidate for platelet-rich plasma injections. As an orthopaedic surgeon, I’ve seen incredible results from PRP. Many people see lasting improvement within 2-6 weeks of treatment. If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about treatment, feel free to reach out!

Live in the Louisville, Kentucky-region and interested in learning more about whether PRP injections are an option for you? Dr. Stacie Grossfeld is here to serve you. Dr. Grossfeld has decades of experience as a double board certified sports medicine physician and orthopedic surgeon. Perhaps even more importantly, Dr. Grossfeld is an athlete and is passionate about sports. She understands the frustration that can come from injuries, and she works with athletes to help get them back on the road to recovery as quickly and successfully as possible. For more information about PRP injections or other services Dr. Grossfeld provides, call 502-212-2663 today. New patients are welcome, and we accept almost every type of insurance.

5 Ways To Stay Active and Healthy in The Holiday Season

It can be hard to maintain your fitness in the holiday season! Read how here.

Making time for exercise is always difficult, but it is especially challenging in the holiday season. Whether you feel restricted by freezing temperatures, limited daylight hours, or the pressure of familial and social obligations, you’re certainly not alone if you struggle to get your fitness in during the winter months! According to a Gallup poll, the percentage of Americans who exercise for at least 30 minutes, 3 or more days a week reaches its lowest point each December. What’s more, healthy eating habits are also reported to be at a yearly low in December. The result? Millions of Americans are at an increased risk of obesity and chronic disease. 

If you struggle to stay active and eat nutritious food during the holidays, keep reading. Today on the blog I’ll share 5 great tips for staying healthy as we enter the holiday season. 

1. Get a Group

There’s probably nothing more motivating than feeling obligated to other people! Joining a fitness class, running group, or exercise community of some sort can be both inspiring and fun! In Louisville, there are tons of options: The YMCA, Orange Theory, Baptist Health, barre3, Shred415, Jazzercise, FIT Louisville, WEL at Humana, and Cyclebar are just a few of the gyms that offer group and individual classes. Looking to join a fitness community for free? Check out! This platform brings together people of different backgrounds, such as hikers, women 50+, trail runners, pool players, and more. Facebook is also another good resource for finding local interest groups. 

2. Dress For the Weather

Feel hindered by freezing temperatures and 5 o’clock sunsets? The trick to exercising outdoors in the winter is to prepare for the elements! Learn how to layer up your clothing. It’s not uncommon to wear 2, 3, or even 4 layers when it’s cold outside. Also be sure to cover your extremities–investing in warm gloves, socks, and a hat is critical. When it snows, you can purchase rubber shoe grips that allow you to walk and run on slippery surfaces with ease. Plus, sledding, shoveling snow, ice skating, and skiing definitely counts as exercise. Truth be told, if you’re dedicated enough, you can enjoy the outdoors year round. It just takes a little extra effort!

3. Don’t Wait For the New Year

It’s easy to push off healthy habits to next week or the new year, especially as we overindulge in food and feel guilty. The trick to any lasting exercise routine? Starting! In fact, it’s far more sustainable to slowly incorporate exercise in a fun, flexible way than try to go too hard on January 1st and burn out. Studies have found that any amount of exercise is better than none at all, even if it’s walking down your street or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Committing to an active lifestyle also improves your quality of sleep, boosts your energy, reduces your risk of depression and anxiety, reduces your risk of dozens of diseases, and has other innumerable health benefits. 

4. Boost Your Immune System With Food

Your diet doesn’t just impact your weight, but it impacts your immune response and ability to fight infections! Getting key micronutrients is especially important in the winter months. Vitamin C, B, E, A, zinc, iron, selenium, and protein are especially important to look for in food for immunity. Citrus fruits, broccoli, garlic, ginger, spinach, yogurt, blueberries, lean meats, red bell peppers, beans, seeds, and nuts are some great vitamin-dense and antioxidant-rich foods to incorporate into your diet. Remember: it’s all about balance. It’s okay to indulge in holiday treats on occasion!

As daylight hours decrease, our Vitamin D levels also drop, so it’s critical to get more Vitamin D from your diet (fatty fish/seafood, mushrooms, egg yolks, fortified milks and cereal) or even dietary supplements. Unfortunately, many people have a Vitamin D deficiency and don’t realize it. 

5. Get Creative With Activity

Don’t have time to go to the gym or brave freezing temps? Don’t fret! There’s a huge variety of home-exercise routines you can do. Youtube is a great free resource for finding 10 minute to 2 hour-long fitness videos. From yoga to ab burns to expert HIIT workouts, you can find just about anything, no equipment or experience necessary. Some other popular at-home activities include trampolining, jumping rope, and dancing. 

If you or a loved one has sustained a sports-related injury in the Louisville, Kentucky-area, board certified sports medicine physician Dr. Stacie Grossfeld at Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC can help. Orthopaedic Specialists is currently accepting new patients, and same day/telemedicine appointments are also available. For additional information or to schedule an appointment today, call 502-212-2663.

Shin Splints: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Shin splints are common in runners.

What Are Shin Splints?

Shin splints, or medial tibial stress syndrome, are a common sports related injury. Shin splints are a result of chronic inflammation caused by repetitive movement and stress to the tibia (shin bone). When overworked, the tendons, muscles, and bone tissue of the shin can sustain tiny tears, irritation, and inflammation. Most common in runners, dancers, young athletes, and military recruits, shin splints can be very painful and debilitating. 


Symptoms of shin splints can include sharp or dull pain along the inner-front of the lower leg. Pain can occur during or after exercise. Pain can be aggravated by touching the shin area. If left untreated, pain will likely grow more constant and chronic, and can even result in a stress fracture.


Shin splints are usually caused by rapidly changing the frequency or length of your physical activity. Quickly increasing your mileage, changing the terrain you run on, or working out with a sudden burst in intensity can trigger shin splints. This is why shin splints are very common in high school athletes and military recruits who go from low fitness to intense physical activity very quickly. 

Shin splints can also be caused by having irregular arches or flat feet. Furthermore, wearing improper or worn-out sneakers can also cause shin splints. 

Diagnosis & Treatment

If you suspect that you may be suffering from shin splints, the first thing to do is to rest and regularly ice the area of pain. If this doesn’t help, seek medical advice. To diagnose the injury, your doctor will likely examine your leg, gait, and previous medical history. They may also order a medical imaging test, such as an X-ray or MRI to rule out other similar conditions, such as a stress fracture. 

Following diagnosis, your doctor will advise you on how to properly recover. Although they are painful and frustrating, shin splints are not a serious injury and will typically go away if you rest and ice. You may also be advised to take pain relieving medicine (NSAIDs) or go to a physical therapist. 


Preventing shin splints begins with proper training and awareness. Runners should be well-aware of good training practices, such as following the 10% rule of increasing mileage, always warming up before runs, stretching regularly, mixing up the type of runs (recovery day, intervals, sprints, long run, etc), and taking weekly rest days. Runners should be aware of symptoms of shin splints in order to catch the problem early on; The sooner your shin splints are addressed, the easier it is to resolve the injury.

Investing in good shoes is also vital to prevent shin splints. Regularly getting new shoes, wearing the right shoes for your sport, and even purchasing supportive insoles can help prevent shin splints. 

If you or a loved one has sustained a sports-related injury in the Louisville, Kentucky-area, board certified sports medicine physician Dr. Stacie Grossfeld at Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC can help. Orthopaedic Specialists is currently accepting new patients, and same day/telemedicine appointments are also available. For additional information or to schedule an appointment today, call 502-212-2663.

Why Are Hamstring Injuries So Common in Football?

Why are football injuries so common?

If you’re an NFL fan, you’re probably very familiar with hamstring injuries. Hamstring injuries, and hamstring strains in particular, are the most common football injury. On average, they occur over 172 times every season, and are increasing every year. This season alone, dozens of players from almost every team have gone down for weeks with hamstring injuries: the Cardinals’ DeAndre Hopkins, Bengal’s Chris Evans, Titans’ Julio Jones, Giant’s Sterling Shepard, Eagles’ Miles Sanders, and the Falcons’ Julio Jones, just to name a few. 

What Are Hamstring Injuries?

The hamstring is comprised of three muscles: the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus. When you experience a hamstring injury, you have an injury to one or more of these muscles. Hamstring injuries are rated by three grades: 1, 2, and 3. A grade 1 injury is referred to as a hamstring pull or strain. You will feel pain with movement, but still be able to walk. A grade 2 hamstring strain is more serious. You may limp while walking and feel and intense pain in your leg. A grade 3 injury is likely a tear. This is a severe injury, marked by intense pain, swelling, and inability to walk. Most NFL injuries are a grade 1 or 2. 

What Causes Hamstring Injuries?

There are 5 proven risk factors for hamstring injuries: tightness in hamstrings, not enough warm up time before physical activity, past injuries, tired muscles, and imbalance in muscular strength between the hamstring muscles and the quadriceps. 

Unfortunately, football players are especially vulnerable to each of these risk factors. Why? By nature, football is very stop-and-start, requiring long periods of inactivity before rapid bursts of movement and changes in direction. This style of play, of standing still and then sprinting, puts extreme stress on the hamstring. Plus, many players have preexisting injuries, go into the season out of shape, spend a lot of time on the bench, or are tired in between games, which all heightens the risk of injury. 

Recovering From A Hamstring Injury

FOX Sports recently published an article investigating the rate of hamstring injuries during football season. Their data found that following a few weeks of rest, athletes never regained their full ability. On average, players experienced “a 34% decrease in SNAP percentage in their first game back, a 24% in the second game back, and 20% by the third game back. After 4-5 games, it levels off to an 11.9% decrease in SNAP percentage for the rest of the season.” In short: if you get a hamstring injury… better luck next season!

So, why is this the case? It’s because real recovery takes time! Even minor hamstring injuries call for at least 3 weeks off. However, teams are desperate to get their players back on the field, and rush the recovery and healing process. This is why 15.5% of NFL players re-injure themselves after a hamstring injury during the same season, and have a 24% chance of getting a different injury!

Preventing Hamstring Injuries

Hamstring injuries are common in all sports, but are very preventable. A study conducted in 1999 found that regular stretching reduces the rate of hamstring injuries by 16%. In addition, strength training and cross-training are proven to significantly reduce the risk of hamstring injuries. Always warming up before exercise can also prevent hamstring injuries for any type of athlete. Properly hydrating, eating well, and getting plenty of rest is hugely important as well, as fatigue can increase the risk of injury. 

If you or someone you love has suffered a sports injury in the Louisville, Kentucky-area, board certified sports medicine physician Dr. Stacie Grossfeld at Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC can help. Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC is accepting new patients, and same day appointments are available. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC today at 502-212-2663.

Recovering From Rotator Cuff Surgery? Try These 5 Tips For Optimal Recovery

Recovering From Rotator Cuff Surgery? Read Tips Here

If you’re suffering from persistent, long-term shoulder pain, you’ve lost your strength or range of motion in your shoulder, and you feel like you’ve tried everything (ice, rest, painkillers, waiting) — It’s time to consult an orthopaedic doctor.

Rotator cuff tears are found in 30-50% of the population ages 50+ and are one of the most common injuries to require surgical treatment. However, the longer you wait to seek help, the lower the chances of recovery are. Optimal healing is contingent on remaining proactive, diligent, and healthy. 

After consulting with a doctor, they’ll likely order medical imaging tests to determine the extent of your injury. If your rotator cuff tear goes deeper than 50% of the tendon, you will need surgery. Surgery is usually arthroscopic, outpatient, minimally invasive, and highly effective, meaning that the real challenge comes afterwards, in the weeks and months of recovery. 

Recovery may last 6 months to over a year. During this period, you’ll wear a sling at first and work with a physical therapist to build up strength and mobility. With time and effort, you should be able to recover your entire range of motion. Keep reading to learn an orthopaedic surgeon’s tips for improving your outcome and ensuring fast, efficient recovery from rotator cuff surgery. 

5 Tips For Recovering From Rotator Cuff Surgery

1. Sling Stays On 24/7. For the first 4-6 weeks after surgery, you must wear your sling all the time. You shouldn’t drive, lift objects, or use your shoulder/arm in any manner. Wait a few weeks to fly or return to work. This can be very difficult, but it is vital to begin your recovery process.

2. Watch For Complications. If you have a fever, numbness, unusual pain, or swelling in/around your injury, seek help. Complications are rare, but they can happen. Be sure to keep your shoulder clean/disinfected.  

3. Be Mindful Of How You Sleep. The position you sleep in can impact your quality of sleep as well as your recovery process. Many people prefer to sleep in a slightly upright or reclined position, with the elbow pointing downward. This keeps your shoulder elevated and limits unnecessary pressure on the injury. 

4. Don’t Compare Yourself. It’s easy to compare your recovery to friends or family who have undergone the same injury. Don’t. Each person’s recovery timeline, pain levels, and outcome is entirely different. Focus on your journey and pay attention to how you really feel, not how you think you should feel.

5. Don’t Rush it. Your physical therapist will give you exercises to do everyday, which may feel too easy or even like a waste of time. Do not try to rush your recovery by overdoing or underperforming exercises. Do exactly as your physical therapist has told you, because they are trained to ensure an optimal recovery process. 

If you or a loved one has suffered a rotator cuff tear or a sports-related injury in the Louisville, Kentucky-area, board certified sports medicine physician Dr. Stacie Grossfeld at Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC can help. Orthopaedic Specialists is currently accepting new patients, and same day/telemedicine appointments are also available. For additional information or to schedule an appointment today, call 502-212-2663.

10 Hidden-Gem Parks In Louisville, Kentucky

Where to Bike, Run, Hike, or Play Sports in Louisville, Kentucky

Whether you identify as a runner, fast walker, or recreational dog walker, you’re probably well-versed in the public parks around your house. In the past year, record numbers of people have flocked to their nearest park for recreation, exercise, social activities, and enjoying nature. Everyone has been spending more time outside, and it’s no wonder why—Just 20 minutes in a park is proven to have a sizable effect on mental health by reducing anxiety and improving sense of wellbeing! Public parks have become a safe haven, a neutral, grounding space that can be enjoyed for free, anytime of day.

If you live in Louisville, Kentucky, or the surrounding areas, you probably have a favorite park or two. Jefferson County boasts over 120 parks, so chances are, you haven’t seen them all. Keep reading to learn about 10 of the best, lesser-known parks and trails in Louisville.

10 Underrated Parks in Louisville, Kentucky

1. Arthur K. Draut Park

There’s a park right behind the malls?! Hidden in suburban St. Matthews, Arthur K. Draut Park offers 25 acres of native wetlands, beautiful landscape, and paved paths.

2. Shawnee Park

 An expansive 285 acres along the Ohio River, Shawnee Park offers baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and volleyball courts! Enjoy multipurpose fields, miles of paved walking/running trails, and beautiful views of the Ohio, as well. 

3. Fairmont Falls

Only three cars are allowed at Fairmont Falls, per day! Located in South Louisville, this hidden-gem of a park offers a short trail to a huge, stunning waterfall. Make sure to book your visit a few days in advance!

4. Broad Run Park

The southernmost park in the Parklands of Floyds Fork, Broad Run was opened in 2016 and only continues to expand. It contains over 600 acres of paved and wooded trails, a scenic overlook, huge meadows, multiple fishing/paddling access points, a kid’s waterpark, pavilions, and a state-of-the-art woodland garden

5. Lannan Memorial Park 

Another beautiful park along the Ohio River, Lannan Memorial is located in the heart of the Portland Neighborhood, adjacent to the Portland Wharf Park. Enjoy verdant trails and fields along the Ohio, jump on the Louisville Loop biking paths, or play basketball. Plus, Lannan will soon be a short walk from the Future Waterfront Park Expansion.

6. Iroquois Park 

Iroquois is pretty popular, but it offers so much that it’s worth a mention! Tucked in the midst of downtown Louisville, Iroquois features miles of forest with hiking trails, paved paths, a huge golf course, a frisbee golf course, an outdoor amphitheater, a horse paddock and paths, a stunning scenic overlook, basketball courts, a playground, event patios, huge meadows, ponds, and more. You can explore Iriquois for months and still have more to see.

7. Waverly Park 

You may know Waverly for the infamous sanitarium on its grounds, but did you know that it’s also a 300 acre park? Just south of Iriquois, Waverly offers a beautiful fishing pond, mountain bike trails, miles of forested walking paths, a golf course, and a dog park.

8. Tyler Park 

If you love Cherokee and Seneca Parks but find them too busy, head over to Tyler Park, located off of Baxter Ave in the Highlands! While fairly small, Tyler Park offers 13 acres of multi-purpose fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, a playground, and nice paved paths. 

9. Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing

This 300-acre historic property on the river offers beautiful grounds to explore, sprawling fields, and miles of walking/biking paths either North or South, via accessing the Louisville Loop.

10. Long Run Park

On the eastern outskirts of Louisville, Long Run features a huge pond for kayaking and fishing, a 2-mile paved loop, a golf course, baseball fields, picnic spots, and a playground/sprayground. This 400-acre park is truly a well-kept neighborhood secret! 

If you or someone you love has suffered an activity or sports-related injury in the Louisville, Kentucky-area, board certified sports medicine physician Dr. Stacie Grossfeld at Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC can help. Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC is accepting new patients. Same day appointments and telemedicine appointments are also available. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC today at 502-212-2663.

Preventing Cross Country Running Injuries

Student athletes running in a race are commonly injured

One of the most popular after-school sports in the fall is competitive, long-distance running, known as cross country. Cross country is highly accessible and draws interest from students of all ages and ability levels. 

Despite the fact that many running-related injuries are very preventable, the rate of injury remains quite high for cross country runners. Recent studies have shown that around 41% of young female runners and 37% of males are injured each cross country season. 

Why do so many cross country runners get injured? Injuries can be attributed to many controllable factors, such as running at too high mileage, sudden changes in training routines, running on irregular surfaces, failing to warm up properly, poor sleep quality, or having a preexisting injury. If properly educated on the importance of safe running, coaches, athletic trainers, and athletes can work together to prevent injuries.

Running injuries commonly occur throughout the legs, in the knees, feet, ankles, and calves. Most running injuries are chronic, overuse injuries. 

Some very common conditions include: 

Preventing Cross Country Injuries

While some injuries are simply unavoidable, there are many ways you can improve your chances of avoiding injuries as well as your strength, ability, and success as a cross country runner. 

  • Build up by following the 10% rule.

The rule states that you shouldn’t increase your mileage by more than 10% each week. To follow this, coaches should evaluate their training schedules and kids should consider building up mileage on their own before the season begins. 

  • Rest, rest, rest.

Overtraining is the #1 cause of injuries. Taking regular rest days is essential to improving recovery and injury prevention. Unfortunately, many coaches and athletes are unaware of this.

  • Mix it up.

Changing the terrains you run on, the distances, and the speed, every workout, can help prevent injury and overtraining. 

  • Focus on form.

Maintaining good form is vital to reducing injury. However, many kids begin the sport with no knowledge of form. Even high-level runners can have very poor form! It’s generally the coach’s responsibility to monitor and inform the kids if their form needs to be changed. Poor form can also lead to issues with pronation.

  • Always warm up and cool down.

Cold, tight muscles are far more susceptible to injury, especially during high-intensity runs like intervals or hill repeats.

  • Stretch before running.

Stretching should be considered a part of conditioning. Static and dynamic stretches can help improve muscle and bone health as well as flexibility and range of motion.

  • Wear proper running shoes.

Make sure you’re wearing the right shoes, and that they’re not too worn out. If you’ve experienced prior foot pain, consider investing in orthotics

  • Hydrate.

Dehydration can cause muscle cramps, heat exhaustion, fainting, and more.

  • Eat well.

Running burns a lot of calories, and many kids have a poor grasp on the proper nutrition necessary to maintain optimal performance. Eating a balanced diet, full of protein, fruits, and vegetables, is essential to optimize energy and endurance.

  • Monitor you/ your child’s mental wellbeing.

It’s hard to perform well if you are struggling with mental health, social problems, or academic issues. Check in with your peers or kids. If you are a runner who is struggling, don’t hesitate to seek support. Female athletes in particular are susceptible to female athlete triad.

  • Cross-train.

Incorporating weight-training or other forms of exercise, can help strengthen and balance overworked muscles. 

  • Wear good socks.

Blisters are very common in runners. While they’re not serious, they are very painful and can hinder your movement.

  • Run for fun.

If you don’t get fulfillment or pleasure out of running, don’t run! Some kids get “forced” into participating and only give a half-hearted effort, resulting in injury and frustration.

If you or your child has sustained a running-related injury in the Louisville, Kentucky-area, board certified sports medicine physician Dr. Stacie Grossfeld at Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC can help. Read the inspiring story of a high school cross country runner’s recovery here. Orthopaedic Specialists is currently accepting new patients, and same day/telemedicine appointments are also available. For additional information or to schedule an appointment today, call 502-212-2663.

Plantar Fasciitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Heel Pain? It's Probably Plantar Fasciitis.

Did you know that 10% of the population will experience plantar fasciitis at some point in their lifetime?

As one of the most common foot injuries and the leading cause of heel pain, plantar fasciitis ((PLAN-tur fas-e-I-tis) is especially prevalent in runners and athletes, 40-60 year-old adults, obese adults, those who wear low-support shoes (like heels or thin-soled shoes), and people who spend a lot of time standing. 

Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury, caused by inflammation. The thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot, from your heel to your toes, called the “plantar fascia,” is responsible for absorbing shock as well as supporting the arch of your foot. Naturally, it carries a lot of pressure, and can be easily stretched or torn through repeated straining. 

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis can develop slowly or seemingly overnight. Symptoms of plantar fasciitis can include:

  • Sharp or dull pain in the heel, particularly in the morning or after a period of inactivity.
  • Pain in the heel when walking, running, or stretching the foot, or directly after exercise.
  • Pain in heel while walking up stairs.
  • Pain in heel when walking barefoot.

Ignoring the pain of plantar fasciitis can worsen it, making it become a chronic injury. Taking action and pursuing proper treatment is necessary for healing. 

Diagnosing & Treating Plantar Fasciitis

Your doctor may diagnose plantar fasciitis through an analysis of your symptoms, or a medical imaging test like an X-ray or MRI to rule out fractures or arthritis. 

Home therapy options include rest, icing the foot, taking anti-inflammatory medications, and massaging and stretching the foot. Investing in a night splint can help stretch the inflamed tendon. Purchasing proper inserts (orthotics) for tennis shoes can help support and improve the injury. Buying a foot roller or rolling the foot on a hard ball can help relieve pain as well.

Working with a physical therapist is also highly encouraged. A physical therapist can help you assess your gait, perform strengthening and stretching exercises on the foot, tape it to relieve pain, and more.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections are another option to target inflammation. PRP is made by placing the patient’s blood in a centrifuge. Different components of the whole blood such as the platelets, red cells, and stem cells with growth factors are separated. The cells that can reduce inflammation and heal the injury are then injected into the area of the plantar fascia.

For more severe or prolonged cases, treatment options include corticosteroid injections, casting, and surgery. 

If you or someone you love is experiencing symptoms of plantar fasciitis in the Louisville, Kentucky-area, board certified sports medicine physician Dr. Stacie Grossfeld at Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC can help. Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC is accepting new patients, and same day/telemedicine appointments are available. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please call us at 502-212-2663.

Common Elbow Injuries In Young Athletes

A young baseball player, suffering from Little Leaguer's Elbow

While the socialization and fitness found through joining a sports team provides innumerable benefits for children and young adults, most activities come with a heightened risk of accidental injury. Elbow injuries are particularly common in kids and young adults who play sports, whether from day-to-day overuse or an acute incident, like falling. Because children often focus on a single sport, year round, they constantly use the same muscles, tendons, and ligaments, placing relentless stress on still-developing growth plates. Before your child starts their very first or last sports season this fall, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the warning signs of these common elbow injuries.

“Little Leaguer’s Elbow” (Medial Apophysitis)

Youth (11 to 15 year old) baseball or softball pitchers and throwers are very susceptible to this chronic overuse injury, caused by throwing a ball too hard or too often. This injury occurs when the soft growth plate of the inside arm/elbow is continually stretched and overexerted, beginning with soreness and worsening into swelling, stiffness, loss of motion, loss of strength, and pain. While the injury tends to heal naturally through rest and physical therapy, untreated cases can result in a complete tear of the growth plate, which requires surgery to repair.

It is actually recommended by the American Sports Medicine Institute that adolescent pitchers are limited to two appearances per week. Check out my blog to see the other recommendations for youth baseball players.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a common overuse injury, caused by irritation to the bony part of the outer elbow. It is characterized by pain with any activity associated with wrist extension, such as shaking someone’s hand or picking up a cup of coffee. This injury is most common in beginner tennis and racquet-sport players who use the wrong-sized racquet or have poor technique. This injury can usually be fixed by rest and wearing a band.

Elbow Fractures

Elbow fractures are quite common, making up about 10% of all fractures found in children. Fractures are usually caused by acute injury, like falling, and result in swelling, sharp pain, discoloration, inability to move the elbow, bruising, and a visibly crooked or deformed appearance. It’s recommended that you see an orthopedic physician immediately if your child shows these symptoms.

Preventing Sports Injuries

  • Overtraining is a major risk-factor for chronic injury. Adequate rest days, every week, are vital.
  • Proper form is key. Make sure your child has a good coach or professional observing the way they hit, pitch, or throw, so that they don’t further irritate the elbow.
  • Cross-training and strength training can help strengthen the muscles in the arm, shoulder, and wrist, improving the elbow’s wherewithal.
  • Good nutrition and hydration is essential. Kids are far more likely to get injured if they aren’t healthy.
  • Be engaged. When a single coach is handling 30+ kids, it’s impossible for them to monitor everyone. Regularly check-in with your child regarding how they feel and the types of activities they are performing at practice.

If you or someone you love has suffered a sports injury in the Louisville, Kentucky-area, board certified sports medicine physician Dr. Stacie Grossfeld at Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC can help. Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC is accepting new patients, and same day appointments are available. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Orthopaedic Specialists PLLC today at 502-212-2663.